Way of the Hunter Release Date Trailer

Way of the Hunter Release Date Trailer

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Noise Expects to Make Its Revenue Double to Rs. 2,000 Crore in Current Fiscal Year

Noise Expects to Make Its Revenue Double to Rs. 2,000 Crore in Current Fiscal Year

Wearable and hearable device maker Noise expects to more than double its revenue in the current financial year to Rs. 2,000 crore, a top official of the company said on Friday. Noise co-founder Gaurav Khatri told PTI that the company had recorded revenue of over Rs. 850 crore in the…

Not enough professional athletes and organizations are supporting those affected by Roe v. Wade decision

Not enough professional athletes and organizations are supporting those affected by Roe v. Wade decision

As the effects of the overturning of Roe v. Wade ripple throughout the nation, notable professional athletes and teams speak out while many remain silent.  There’s an intersection between social justice and sports not because people are changing, but because platforms are. In 1969, Olympic gold medalist Tommie Smith and…

Nuclear-Armed Powers Squander 6.000 Every Minute on Their ‘MAD’ Policy — Global Issues

Nuclear-Armed Powers Squander $156.000 Every Minute on Their ‘MAD’ Policy — Global Issues

Credit: US government by Baher Kamal (madrid) Friday, June 24, 2022 Inter Press Service MADRID, Jun 24 (IPS) – They call it MAD: Mutual Assured Destruction. It is about the nuclear-armed powers’ doctrine of military strategy and national security policy. And they spent on their MAD policy more than 156.000 US…