Peter Schiff’s bank closure strengthens Bitcoin case for financial freedom

Peter Schiff’s bank closure strengthens Bitcoin case for financial freedom

Prominent economist Peter Schiff, who is well-known in the community for his anti-crypto sentiments, had his bank shut down by Puerto Rico regulators. The revelation, however, led to Crypto Twitter pointing out the “irony” as Schiff’s prediction for Bitcoin (BTC) came true for his own traditional bank. Puerto Rico regulators…

LeBron James wants Kyrie Irving with the Lakers ‘more than anyone’

LeBron James wants Kyrie Irving with the Lakers ‘more than anyone’

Photo: Tony Dejak/Associated Press The Lakers and the Nets are reportedly looking for a mutually acceptable trade that would send Kyrie Irving to Los Angeles. The 30-year-old star point guard has full backing of LeBron James whose voice is always heard when roster construction is concerned. He was teammates with…

EUs Exclusionary Migration Policies Place People on the Move toward Europe at Greater Risk — Global Issues

EUs Exclusionary Migration Policies Place People on the Move toward Europe at Greater Risk — Global Issues

Opinion by Jan Servaes (brussels) Monday, July 04, 2022 Inter Press Service BRUSSELS, Jul 04 (IPS) – A mass attempt on June 24, 2022, of about 2000 African migrants to scale the border fence between Morocco and the Spanish enclave of Melilla left at least 37 people dead. Several human rights…

NASA’s DART Asteroid Mission Could Severely Deform Target Asteroid, New Study Reveals

NASA’s DART Asteroid Mission Could Severely Deform Target Asteroid, New Study Reveals

NASA’s Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) mission is the world’s first full-scale planetary defence test against potential asteroid impacts on Earth. Researchers now show that instead of leaving behind a relatively small crater, the impact of the DART spacecraft on its target could leave the asteroid near unrecognisable. A giant…

Haters to unite at the first conference for crypto skeptics

Haters to unite at the first conference for crypto skeptics

In the middle of crypto’s latest bear market, industry and asset class detractors have rallied together to share their skepticism and network with lawmakers at their own anti-crypto conference. Whereas most crypto conferences exist to promote the latest developments on the cutting edge of the industry, crypto critic journalist Amy…