Michelle Randolph Was Mortified By Ainsley’s Sex “Rule” Scene With ‘Landman’s Billy Bob Thornton: “I Will Never Be Saying That To My Father”

Michelle Randolph Was Mortified By Ainsley’s Sex “Rule” Scene With ‘Landman’s Billy Bob Thornton: “I Will Never Be Saying That To My Father”

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A viral moment from Taylor Sheridan‘s hit Paramount+ series Landman has viewers — and parents — everywhere sweating.

The moment in question (which you can watch yourself below) features Michelle Randolph, who plays the daughter of Billy Bob Thornton‘s Tommy Norris, explaining her one cardinal “rule” when it comes to having sex with her footballer boyfriend.

After Tommy regretfully presses her for more details about this so-called rule, she confidently responds, “As long as he never comes in me, he can come anywhere on me.”

The scene is so shocking it drew immediate criticism from people on social media, so much so, it became impossible for Randolph to ignore, according to her recent interview with The Wrap.

“I just thought to myself, ‘How am I going to say this with a straight face, looking into Billy’s eyes?’ I was Ainsley in that moment. I was not Michelle,” she said. “And as Michelle, I will never be saying that to my father. Let’s be clear.”

She then added that she “just disassociated” when she saw the clip circulating online.

Filming the scene itself was no easy feat, either: “There was definitely a point where my face turned bright red and we started laughing, because I just couldn’t help it,” she admitted.

As she explained it, they filmed that Landman scene during a real football game, where none of the attendees knew what they were filming — or, for that matter, why she would possibly be discussing such a topic with Thornton.

“There’s people watching, and I’m like, they don’t know anything about the show. They don’t know the scripts. They don’t know the premise, and if they can overhear this one line, what do they think that we’re filming?” Randolph added.

The actress, who also starred on the Yellowstone spinoff 1923 opposite Helen Mirren and Harrison Ford, added that she and Thornton “became a real family” after meeting on Landman.

But Ainsley is certainly a very different character than her 1923 role.

“I just had to really find a way to understand why someone would be this candid – she’s so unbridled and free spirited and confident, I just had to really tap into that every single day on set, and it was challenging, but it was so fun to just kind of go into her mindset,” Randolph said of Ainsley.

Landman airs new episodes on Sundays on Paramount+.

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