Mars retrograde in Leo is a serious boner kill, how to survive
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Named for the god of war, Mars is our planet of will, energy, sexuality, and action, getting it done and getting it on, if you will.
This week, that infernal majesty is going retrograde in the sign of Leo. Read on to learn more about what this slowdown showdown means for you.
Mars retrograde 2024
Mars = desire, and when it comes to understanding how we express ambition and sexuality and approach conflict, we look to the placement of Mars in the birth chart.
Mars is considered a personal planet, meaning it’s relatively close to Earth — its transits affect us intimately and often.
Mars is responsible for how we make our way in the world and differentiate ourselves from comrades and competitors. Because the realms that Mars rules are so integral to our daily routines and essential sense of power, we feel the effects of the planet’s retrograde more acutely.
Mars in retrograde meaning
Mars retrograde is an optical illusion caused by the relative speed and position of Mars and Earth in their respective orbits.
Mars appears to move in the opposite direction of the rest of the sky, but in actuality, the planet is just slowing its proverbial roll. This forces us to reevaluate what we want and how we go about getting it.
How often does Mars go retrograde?
Mars goes retrograde roughly once every two years for 8 to 11 weeks, giving us a run for our money and a true test of our mettle. It takes the planet approximately two years to make its way and march its war path through all 12 zodiac signs.
When is Mars retrograde 2024?
The planetary ruler of hot-headed Aries and intense AF Scorpio, Mars rules blood, the color red and our sense of vitality.
When Mars is direct, the energy of the planet naturally lends itself, like a steroid to the ass cheek, to coming in hot and pushing agendas — with guns blazing and d–ks swinging.
However, when the planet downshifts, so too does the actionable adrenaline and hot-blooded pulse of our life force, as our energy is directed internally rather than externally.
In essence, when the planet goes retrograde, we’re all regaled to the role of non-player characters.
Mars will begin its retrograde on December 6, 2024, in the teased hair, allergic to apologizing sign of Leo.
Mars means war
On January 6th, Mars will continue its retrograde in Cancer, the sign of home fires, ugly crying, apron strings, and passive-aggressive tendencies.
Mars retrograde can feel a little defeating, triggering insecurity, impatience, defense, and aristocratic levels of ennui. Common symptoms of Mars retrograde, particularly in the high drama and deep emo of Leo and Cancer, include outbursts and acting out in the name of feeling powerful.
But remember my babies, acting out is not acting in your best interest, and just because we’re not full speed ahead does not mean we’re failing to progress.
If this retrograde cycle were an action hero, it would be Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne in “The Dark Knight Rises”, post-going into the sewer like hot s–t and getting schooled/his back broken by apex mouth breather and bald baddy Bane.
Crushed, literally, and metaphorically, our bat boy is hurled into the Lazarus pit, where, unable to move, he slowly rebuilds his strength, only to emerge physically stronger and spiritually fortified by his time spent immobile and underground.
When Mars is direct, the energy of the planet lends itself, like a steroid to the ass cheek, to coming in hot and pushing agendas with guns blazing and d–ks swinging.
The takeaway? You can’t beat the bad or vanquish your enemies or lesser angels until you go in and get out from underneath your ego, folks.
Mars retrograde in Leo
Mars will retrograde in Leo from December 6 to January 6.
Mars feels good in the fixed fire of Leo, where the god of war can use these muscle car fumes to express, create, and individuate.
However, during this retrograde cycle, creation must be done in the service of the self and without the prerequisite of an adoring audience.
The first half of this retrograde invites us to ask why we make, speak, or assert — and whether that intention is rooted in authentic need or the need to be perceived.
At its worst, Mars in Leo is unable to hold criticism and creativity at the same time and is guilty of ego bloat, extreme sensitivity, and shameless status-seeking.
A reconciliatory meditation for this comes in the form of boss bitch, vaginal curator and desert dweller Georgia O’Keefe, who maintained: “I have already settled it for myself, so flattery and criticism go down the same drain, and I am quite free.”
Mars retrograde in Cancer
Mars will finish its retrograde in Cancer, the sign of its fall. When a planet is in “fall,” it cannot fully express itself, and in retrograde, that energy of obstruction is amplified.
Mars = warrior, and Cancer = maternal, an odd and uncomfortable coupling.
As astrologer Cory Nakasue brilliantly notes, “When Mars enters the domain of Cancer, it can’t access its preferred resources as quickly. Gone are the swords and blowtorches, and in their stead, comfort foods and cozy blankets.
When Mars finds its footing in Cancer, it can be a great defender of the vulnerable and advocate for women, children, and the home front. It can mobilize its energies to build fortresses, gardens, and sanctuaries.
Mars in Cancer could adopt the role of a relentless provider of comfort, an aggressive caretaker, or one who dissents from a tradition. On a bad day, Mars in Cancer is a moody adolescent who weaponizes their emotions or the one who brings violence into the domestic sphere.”
Translation? Go in, go deep, build defenses for the defenseless, plant gardens for the rootless, dissent from toxic tradition, and, for god’s sake, avoid the impetus to act like a weening baby, teething child, petulant teenager or unhinged adult in a knife fight with the world.
When does Mars retrograde end?
Mars will end its retrograde in Cancer on February 23, 2025.
Astrology 101: Your guide to the star
Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports back on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture, and personal experience.
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