Frank Isola marvels at Nikola Jokic: A blend of legends
In a recent interview with Brandon “Scoop B” Robinson, seasoned sportswriter Frank Isola delved into the fascinating comparison of two-time MVP and NBA champion Nikola Jokic to an eclectic mix of basketball legends.
Isola, with a chuckle, acknowledged the uniqueness of envisioning a player created from the amalgamation of Arvydas Sabonis, Magic Johnson, Rik Smits, LeBron James, and a touch of Tom Tolbert.
“[Laughing] That would be some interesting baby if we could put all five of those guys together! [laughing],” Isola quipped. However, he quickly highlighted the significance of certain comparisons.
Drawing parallels to Sabonis and LeBron, Isola emphasized their imposing stature and exceptional basketball IQ. He noted Jokic’s high basketball intelligence, a trait shared by legends like Magic Johnson and Larry Bird, praising the Serbian’s underrated part in the NBA.
Reflecting on Jokic’s draft journey, Isola underscored the critical aspect of selecting the right player, acknowledging the Serbian’s historic second-round pick status as one of the greatest in the sport’s history.
In essence, Isola marveled at Jokic’s unparalleled basketball IQ, cementing his status as a unique force in the NBA.
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