Davos 2022: At the World Economic Forum, there’s no ‘business as usual’ in shadow of war

Davos 2022: At the World Economic Forum, there’s no ‘business as usual’ in shadow of war

Placeholder while article actions load You’re reading an excerpt from the Today’s WorldView newsletter. Sign up to get the rest, including news from around the globe, interesting ideas, and opinions to know sent to your inbox every weekday. DAVOS, Switzerland — Before the pandemic interrupted the ritzy gatherings of the…

UNAIDS ‘concerned’ about stigmatizing language against LGTBI people — Global Issues

UNAIDS ‘concerned’ about stigmatizing language against LGTBI people — Global Issues

As of May 21, the World Health Organization (WHO) received reports of 92 laboratory-confirmed cases and 28 suspected cases from 12 countries not endemic for the disease. Some cases have been identified through sexual health clinics and investigations are ongoing.  The disease could affect anyone According to WHO, available evidence…

UNAIDS ‘concerned’ about stigmatizing language against LGTBI people — Global Issues

“COVID-19 is not over”, Tedros warns World Health Assembly — Global Issues

Tedros Adhanom Gebreyesus delivered his message during the kick-off of the annual World Health Assembly–the decision-making body of WHO comprised of representatives of 194 countries. Noting that it was the first time since 2019 that the Assembly could take place in-person, he asked Ministers where the world stood two years…

UNAIDS ‘concerned’ about stigmatizing language against LGTBI people — Global Issues

UN chief calls to ‘build a shared future for all life’ — Global Issues

“Biodiversity is essential for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, ending the existential threat of climate change, halting land degradation, building food security and supporting advances in human health”, said António Guterres in a statement. The UN chief highlighted that biodiversity offers solutions for green and inclusive growth and, this year,…