On a mission to cut Papua New Guinea’s high levels of sexual violence — Global Issues

On a mission to cut Papua New Guinea’s high levels of sexual violence — Global Issues

“Most of the survivors of gender-based violence that we see in the clinic are young adults,” says Primrose, Youth Coordinator for the Family Health Association (FHA) in East New Britain province. She has just stepped off stage after delivering a presentation to senior students of Kokopo Secondary School as part…

Security Council ‘speaks with one voice for peace in Ukraine’ — Global Issues

Security Council ‘speaks with one voice for peace in Ukraine’ — Global Issues

“As I have often said, the world must come together to silence the guns and uphold the values of the UN Charter,” Secretary-General António Guterres said in a statement.  “For the first time, the Security Council spoke with one voice for peace in Ukraine”.  Last week the UN chief flew…

Lethal force by police officers must be barred from peaceful demonstrations — Global Issues

Lethal force by police officers must be barred from peaceful demonstrations — Global Issues

Moreover, it added that the country also failed to investigate and prosecute those responsible. “Any use of force must be in line with the fundamental principles of legality, necessity, and proportionality,” said Committee member Carlos Gómez Martínez. Lethal force The Committee issued its findings after reviewing a petition case filed…

WFP appeals for re-opening of Ukraine ports to avert looming famine threat — Global Issues

WFP appeals for re-opening of Ukraine ports to avert looming famine threat — Global Issues

The move would allow for food produced in the war-torn country to flow freely to the rest of the world as well as avoid “mountains” of grain from going to waste.  Access to and from #Ukraine‘s Odesa-area ports has been 🚫 BLOCKED for the last 2 months. 🚨⚠️The disruption of…

New international partnerships needed to boost healthcare in Syria — Global Issues

New international partnerships needed to boost healthcare in Syria — Global Issues

The online meeting was held ahead of a European Union conference next week to ensure ongoing international support for Syria and neighbouring countries hosting millions of Syrian refugees.  11 years of suffering and a humanitarian crisis endured by over 15 million of our fellow humans in Syria, increasing by the…

COVID has ‘pushed back’ democracy, Ukraine war further raises risks — Global Issues

COVID has ‘pushed back’ democracy, Ukraine war further raises risks — Global Issues

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine will effect food security on the continent, both through availability and pricing of imported food, along with rising uncertainties in global financial markets and supply chains. Russia and Ukraine, both often referred to as the world’s breadbasket, are major players in the export of wheat and…

Give Edible Insects a Chance as an Alternative High-Quality Protein Source, say Scientists — Global Issues

Give Edible Insects a Chance as an Alternative High-Quality Protein Source, say Scientists — Global Issues

A variety of insect-based delicacies. It is estimated that 2.5 billion people around the world eat insects as part of their regular diet. Encouraging the eating of insects could have health and climate change benefits. Credit: icipe by Joyce Chimbi (nairobi) Friday, May 06, 2022 Inter Press Service Nairobi, May 06…

The Shocking Extent of Exploitative Baby Formula Milk Marketing — Global Issues

The Shocking Extent of Exploitative Baby Formula Milk Marketing — Global Issues

The global formula milk industry, valued at some 55 billion US dollars, is targeting new mothers with personalised social media content that is often not recognisable as advertising. Photo by Lucy Wolski on Unsplash by Baher Kamal (madrid) Friday, May 06, 2022 Inter Press Service MADRID, May 06 (IPS) – The…

Clean hands may make the difference between life and death – WHO report — Global Issues

Clean hands may make the difference between life and death – WHO report — Global Issues

The coronavirus pandemic and other disease outbreaks have highlighted the extent to which healthcare settings can contribute to the spread of infections. “The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed many challenges and gaps in IPC in all regions and countries, including those which had the most advanced IPC programmes,” said Tedros Adhanom…