Colombians choose a new president amid general discontent

Colombians choose a new president amid general discontent

Placeholder while article actions load BOGOTA, Colombia — Colombians emerging from the coronavirus pandemic voted for a new president Sunday, choosing from six candidates who promised varying degrees of change amid rising inequality, inflation, violence and discontent with the status quo. Former rebel Gustavo Petro, who led in opinion polls,…

Breaking prison barriers in Central African Republic — Global Issues

Breaking prison barriers in Central African Republic — Global Issues

Talking to UN News ahead of the International Day of Peacekeepers, which is marked annually on 29 May, she explains how she continues to break down gender barriers. “I’m the Coordinator of the Security Teams at the Ngaragba Central Prison in Bangui, the capital of Central African Republic (CAR). This…

UN rights chief concludes China trip with promise of improved relations — Global Issues

UN rights chief concludes China trip with promise of improved relations — Global Issues

During Saturday’s virtual press conference, Ms. Bachelet, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, outlined the new opportunities for dialogue between her office and the Chinese authorities that were discussed during the visit, which include an annual senior strategic meeting, and a working group that will meet in Beijing and…

Sahel should be seen as region of ‘opportunity’ despite ‘multiple crises’ — Global Issues

Sahel should be seen as region of ‘opportunity’ despite ‘multiple crises’ — Global Issues

The Sahel is a vast under-populated region stretching across Africa from Senegal in the west to Djibouti in the east, an area which is being destabilized by terrorism-related conflict, the effects of climate change and a lack of development. UN News spoke to Mr. Annadif about the solutions to the…

COVID and Discrimination Aggravated Maternal Mortality in Latin America — Global Issues

COVID and Discrimination Aggravated Maternal Mortality in Latin America — Global Issues

Adequate maternal care during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period is essential to curbing the high maternal mortality rates in Latin America, which stopped falling due to women’s health care problems during the COVID pandemic. CREDIT: Government of Tigre / Argentina by Mario Osava (rio de janeiro) Saturday, May 28, 2022…