The Great Fish Robbery — Global Issues

The Great Fish Robbery — Global Issues

Illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing takes advantage of corrupt administrations and exploits weak management regimes, in particular those of developing countries lacking the capacity and resources for effective monitoring, control, and surveillance. Credit: Desmond Brown/IPS by Baher Kamal (madrid) Monday, June 06, 2022 Inter Press Service MADRID, Jun 06 (IPS) –…

The UN Security Council is in Desperate Need of Comprehensive Reforms — Global Issues

The UN Security Council is in Desperate Need of Comprehensive Reforms — Global Issues

Opinion by Alon Ben-Meir (new york) Monday, June 06, 2022 Inter Press Service NEW YORK, Jun 06 (IPS) – Any fair analysis of the United Nations strongly suggests that the UN of today is not the same UN that was established in 1945. The United Nations Security Council in particular, which…

Poor Families Clash over Water with Real Estate Consortium in El Salvador — Global Issues

Poor Families Clash over Water with Real Estate Consortium in El Salvador — Global Issues

Alex Leiva, holding his baby girl, uses the water he managed to collect in barrels at 4:00 a.m., the only time the service is provided in Lotificación Praderas, in the canton of Cabañas, on the outskirts of the municipality of Apopa, north of the Salvadoran capital. The families of this…

NATO nations block Russian envoy’s plane from Serbia visit

NATO nations block Russian envoy’s plane from Serbia visit

Placeholder while article actions load BELGRADE, Serbia — Serbia and Russia confirmed Monday that a planned visit by Russia’s foreign minister to the Balkan country will not take place, with Moscow accusing the West of preventing the trip by blocking the envoy’s plane flight. The announcement followed reports that Serbia’s…

Has the UN Transformed itself into a Vast Humanitarian Relief Organization? — Global Issues

Has the UN Transformed itself into a Vast Humanitarian Relief Organization? — Global Issues

by Thalif Deen (united nations) Monday, June 06, 2022 Inter Press Service UNITED NATIONS, Jun 06 (IPS) – The United Nations, which has failed to help resolve some of the world’s ongoing and longstanding civil wars and military conflicts—including Palestine, Afghanistan, Yemen, Western Sahara, Myanmar, Syria, and most recently, Ukraine—was rightfully…

Millions of Ukrainian refugees will stay in European Union., says European Commission VP

Millions of Ukrainian refugees will stay in European Union., says European Commission VP

Placeholder while article actions load Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has sparked the largest refugee crisis in Europe since World War II. In just over a hundred days, close to 7 million Ukrainians have fled across their nation’s borders, with the vast majority finding sanctuary within the European Union. Ukraine counts…