Yes, Africas Informal Sector Has Problems, But the Answer Isnt to Marginalise It — Global Issues

Yes, Africas Informal Sector Has Problems, But the Answer Isnt to Marginalise It — Global Issues

African leaders must recognise the enormous potentials of the continent’s informal workers and begin to integrate them better into their city-building visions and strategies. Credit: Suleiman Mbatiah/IPS Opinion Thursday, August 18, 2022 Inter Press Service Aug 18 (IPS) – African leaders are increasingly aspiring to “modernise” their cities. That is…

UN chief pays second call on Ukraine, will visit grain-exporting Black Sea Port — Global Issues

UN chief pays second call on Ukraine, will visit grain-exporting Black Sea Port — Global Issues

“Tomorrow, he will join President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in a meeting hosted by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine,” UN Deputy Spokesman Farhan Haq told a regular press briefing in New York. “He will go on to visit Odesa and then Istanbul in the following days,” he added. Checking the grain…

WHO warns of disease threat amid Horn of Africa drought — Global Issues

WHO warns of disease threat amid Horn of Africa drought — Global Issues

Speaking from Geneva, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said drought, conflict, climate change and increasing prices for food, fuel and fertilizer, are all contributing to lack of access to sufficient food.  The countries affected are  Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan and Uganda.  “Hunger and malnutrition pose a direct threat to…

Humanitarian Coordinator for Syria completes mission to northeast — Global Issues

Humanitarian Coordinator for Syria completes mission to northeast — Global Issues

The region is in the grip of a severe water crisis in all aspects – from drinking water, to irrigation, food production, and power generation – which is having an impact on health and livelihoods.  Areesha camp in Al-Hasakeh, like most #IDP camps in #Syria, has many urgent needs –…

Rushdie Joins 102 International Writers to Demand Freedom of Expression in India — Global Issues

Rushdie Joins 102 International Writers to Demand Freedom of Expression in India — Global Issues

Journalists, writers, both local and international, have called on the authorities in India to respect human rights and release imprisoned writes and dissident and critical voices. Protests about media freedom have become more urgent in recent years since this protest by the Mumbai Press Club. Credit: Facebook by Mehru Jaffer (lucknow)…

UN agriculture agency helps protect against threat of locusts in Yemen — Global Issues

UN agriculture agency helps protect against threat of locusts in Yemen — Global Issues

To avert losses triggered by the voracious pest, FAO recently delivered various equipment and machinery to the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Fisheries (MAIF) in Aden. And under the World Bank funded Yemen Desert Locust Response project, another consignment is expected to be handed over to Sana’a soon. “The project, together with other…

Sri Lanka’s economic crisis pushes health system to brink of collapse — Global Issues

Sri Lanka’s economic crisis pushes health system to brink of collapse — Global Issues

When Ruchika found out she was pregnant with her second child, in October 2021, she could not have imagined that she would find herself, hours before delivering her baby, in a crowded distribution queue, pleading for fuel to get to the hospital. “The majority of the crowd was sympathetic,” Ruchika…