Starvation Pounds Inflation-Hit Urban Zimbabweans — Global Issues

Starvation Pounds Inflation-Hit Urban Zimbabweans — Global Issues

Rising inflation and the Ukraine war has added to the woes of Zimbabweans, where even the middle class struggle to buy a loaf of bread. Credit: Jeffrey Moyo/IPS by Jeffrey Moyo (harare) Friday, August 19, 2022 Inter Press Service Harare, Aug 19 (IPS) – With inflation at 191 percent, 49-year-old Dambudzo…

World Humanitarian Day salutes ‘the best in humanity’ — Global Issues

World Humanitarian Day salutes ‘the best in humanity’ — Global Issues

“Far from the spotlight and out of the headlines, humanitarians work around the clock to make our world a better place,” he said.  “Against incredible odds, often at great personal risk, they ease suffering in some of the most dangerous circumstances imaginable.”  ‘It takes a village’ World Humanitarian Day is…

Israel urged to allow humanitarians to continue working in Palestine — Global Issues

Israel urged to allow humanitarians to continue working in Palestine — Global Issues

On Thursday morning, Israeli Forces broke into, searched and sealed the offices of seven Palestinian human rights and humanitarian organizations³ in Ramallah in the occupied West Bank. Their property was confiscated and destroyed and military orders closing the offices were left at the premises. The attempted closures of the 7…

WHO expert group recommends second COVID-19 booster for vulnerable groups — Global Issues

WHO expert group recommends second COVID-19 booster for vulnerable groups — Global Issues

The recommendation comes in a statement issued by the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) on Immunization, following a meeting held last week.   Most COVID-19 vaccines consist of a primary series of two doses, with a first booster administered some four to six months after completion to improve immune…

Chinese Fleet Threatens Latin America’s Fish Stocks — Global Issues

Chinese Fleet Threatens Latin America’s Fish Stocks — Global Issues

Only artisanal fishing is allowed in the waters surrounding the Galapagos Islands, where it is possible to catch large, valuable fish. The area is a marine reserve, a nursery of species for the eastern Pacific and is off-limits to industrial fishing. But its continental shelf is increasingly under siege by…