Lawmakers Call on G20 to Prioritise Spending on Youth, Gender, and Human Security — Global Issues

Lawmakers Call on G20 to Prioritise Spending on Youth, Gender, and Human Security — Global Issues

Asian Parliamentarians believe it’s important to prioritise spending on ageing and youth populations. Credit: APDA by Ranjit Devraj (new delhi) Tuesday, September 05, 2023 Inter Press Service NEW DELHI, Sep 05 (IPS) – Legislators from around the world, this week, officially submitted to the Sherpa of the G20 meeting set for…

People of African descent facing ‘immense challenges’ in public square — Global Issues

People of African descent facing ‘immense challenges’ in public square — Global Issues

It details how systemic racism, marginalization and exclusion, rooted in the legacies of enslavement and colonialism, continue to have a negative effect on all aspects of life. UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk urged States to “accelerate action towards meaningful, inclusive and safe participation for people of African…

People of African descent facing ‘immense challenges’ in public square — Global Issues

Guterres leads call to make Africa ‘a renewable energy superpower’ — Global Issues

Secretary-General António Guterres was addressing the African Climate Summit in Nairobi, Kenya, noting that despite “extreme heat, ferocious floods, and tens of thousands dead from devastating droughts”, the continent was responsible for less than four per cent of emissions. “The blow inflicted on development is all around with growing hunger…

People of African descent facing ‘immense challenges’ in public square — Global Issues

Record civilian cluster munitions victims as experts urge global ban — Global Issues

The CMC 2023 report indicates that 1,172 people were killed or injured in 2022, which is the highest number since regular reporting started in 2010. Speaking to journalists in Geneva, Human Rights Arms Advocacy Director Mary Wareham, emphasised that 95 per cent of casualties reported were civilians. “It is unconscionable…

People of African descent facing ‘immense challenges’ in public square — Global Issues

UN provides funding boost for ‘neglected’ humanitarian crises — Global Issues

The UN humanitarian affairs office which he leads (OCHA), reported that in 2023, global funding requirements have surpassed $55 billion to support 250 million people affected by conflict, climate change, disease outbreaks, and other crises. Faced with these record needs, less than 30 per cent of the target funding goal…

People of African descent facing ‘immense challenges’ in public square — Global Issues

Record numbers risking lives to cross dangerous Darien Gap — Global Issues

So far this year, more than 330,000 people have crossed the Darien Gap on their journey towards North America – the highest annual figure recorded to date, OHCHR said. One in five was a child. Risk of sexual violence During the crossing, migrants and refugees are exposed to multiple human…

When the UN Came Under Attack from a Mis-Guided Rocket Launcher — Global Issues

When the UN Came Under Attack from a Mis-Guided Rocket Launcher — Global Issues

Ernesto “Che” Guevara, Minister of Industries of Cuba, addresses the General Assembly on Dec. 11, 1964. Credit: UN Photo/TC by Thalif Deen (united nations) Tuesday, September 05, 2023 Inter Press Service UNITED NATIONS, Sep 05 (IPS) – When 150+ world leaders, including Presidents and Prime Ministers, arrive in New York to…

People of African descent facing ‘immense challenges’ in public square — Global Issues

Leading Food System Transformation and Climate Resilience — Global Issues

Opinion by Angela Churie Kallhauge – Ishmael Sunga – Serah Makka (nairobi, kenya) Tuesday, September 05, 2023 Inter Press Service NAIROBI, Kenya, Sep 05 (IPS) – When a continent with 65% of the world’s arable land struggles to feed its 1.4 billion people, we know something is wrong. The African and…

Invasive Species, a Fast-Riding Horsemen Galloping the Biodiversity Apocalypse — Global Issues

Invasive Species, a Fast-Riding Horsemen Galloping the Biodiversity Apocalypse — Global Issues

Wild boar female (Susscrofa) walking on mud beside a river with her piglets. The wild boar is an invasive Alien Species in countries such as South Africa, Vanuatu, and Uruguay. Credit: Budimir Jevtic/Shutterstock by Busani Bafana (bulawayo and bonn) Monday, September 04, 2023 Inter Press Service BULAWAYO AND BONN, Sep 04…