What’s at stake for Nikki Haley in the South Carolina primary? | US Election 2024 News

What’s at stake for Nikki Haley in the South Carolina primary? | US Election 2024 News

Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley and former United States President Donald Trump are facing each other in Saturday’s South Carolina primary in the race for the 2024 Republican Party’s presidential nomination. Staunchly pro-Israel, Haley served as US ambassador to the United Nations under Trump, during which time she blocked…

Bitter but resilient: Ukraine fights on, two years into Russia’s war | Russia-Ukraine war News

Bitter but resilient: Ukraine fights on, two years into Russia’s war | Russia-Ukraine war News

Kharkiv, Ukraine – Andriy’s undermanned squad can only shoot 10 shells a day at encroaching Russian troops because of a dire shortage of ammunition. The 45-year-old suffers from stomach pains, deteriorating eyesight and other consequences of multiple contusions that landed him in hospital several times. Two years ago, Andriy defended…

Western leaders visit Ukraine to show solidarity as war enters third year | Russia-Ukraine war News

Western leaders visit Ukraine to show solidarity as war enters third year | Russia-Ukraine war News

Visit comes as Kyiv is on the defensive amid flagging Western aid and Russian territorial gains. Western leaders including the European Commission’s Ursula von der Leyen and Canada’s Justin Trudeau have arrived in Ukraine to show solidarity with Kyiv as it enters the third year of its war with Russia….

US says new Israeli settlements ‘inconsistent’ with international law | Israel War on Gaza News

US says new Israeli settlements ‘inconsistent’ with international law | Israel War on Gaza News

The US and its allies have historically done little to pressure Israel to halt or roll back settlement expansion. The United States has said that new Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories are illegal, effectively reversing a policy by the administration of former President Donald Trump. US Secretary of…

Russia-Ukraine war: List of key events, day 731 | Russia-Ukraine war News

Russia-Ukraine war: List of key events, day 731 | Russia-Ukraine war News

These are the main developments on the second anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Here is the situation on Saturday, February 24, 2024. Second anniversary of the war On this day two years ago, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the invasion of Ukraine, triggering a brutal war with no end…

Iran unveils plan for tighter internet rules to promote local platforms | Internet News

Iran unveils plan for tighter internet rules to promote local platforms | Internet News

Tehran, Iran – A new regulatory directive from Iran’s top internet governing body shows how authorities hope to steer Iranians away from foreign platforms and turn them towards local ones. Iran’s top internet policymaking body released a directive earlier this week that stipulates new rules with potentially wide-ranging ramifications for…

What’s in an Indian lion’s name? A roaring dispute | Religion

What’s in an Indian lion’s name? A roaring dispute | Religion

The Calcutta High Court this week told the government of the eastern Indian state of West Bengal to consider renaming two lions in a zoo-cum-animal reserve after a Hindu nationalist organisation called Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) found their names rather catty. Starting on Tuesday, the court heard the plea requesting a…

Where ‘love transcends language’: Kashmir’s silent village | Health

Where ‘love transcends language’: Kashmir’s silent village | Health

Dadkhai, Jammu and Kashmir, India – Dressed in their finest shalwar-kameez and sporting well-trimmed moustaches, a group of men deliberate over the terms of a dowry, as the women prepare halwa with dried fruit and a pot of traditional, salty Kashmiri tea, in the adjacent kitchen. In the modest home…

Russia-Ukraine two years on: towards an endless and wider war? | Russia-Ukraine war

Russia-Ukraine two years on: towards an endless and wider war? | Russia-Ukraine war

In an UpFront special, we discuss where the war in Ukraine currently stands and where it is heading. It’s been two years since Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, causing mass destruction and a mounting civilian death toll. Even with support from the West, Ukraine is facing increased weapons…