After Macron touted troops to Ukraine, Putin warns West of nuclear war risk | Russia-Ukraine war News

After Macron touted troops to Ukraine, Putin warns West of nuclear war risk | Russia-Ukraine war News

President Vladimir Putin has threatened to use nuclear weapons if Western powers send soldiers to within striking distance of Russia. His comments on Thursday, in a state of the nation address, were the kind of remarks usually uttered by Dmitry Medvedev, a Putin ally who served as Russia’s president from 2008-2012…

Ukraine’s strategic goal in 2024 is to make Russia’s war felt in Moscow | Russia-Ukraine war News

Ukraine’s strategic goal in 2024 is to make Russia’s war felt in Moscow | Russia-Ukraine war News

Ukraine appears to have few resources with which to mount another counteroffensive. The European Union is upping its military aid from 28 billion euros ($30bn) in the past two years to 21 billion euros ($23bn) this year alone, but that is still not enough to replace United States military aid,…

Can US strikes on Yemen’s Houthis be justified as ‘self-defence’? | Houthis News

Can US strikes on Yemen’s Houthis be justified as ‘self-defence’? | Houthis News

Israel has used it as justification for the slaughter of more than 30,000 Palestinians in Gaza – with thousands more lost under the rubble and presumed dead – in under five months. And, now, the United States has used it to justify its air strikes on Houthi fighters in Yemen….

Gunfire paralyses Haiti as gang leader pushes for PM’s removal | News

Gunfire paralyses Haiti as gang leader pushes for PM’s removal | News

Police stations and the international airport have come under attack in the chaos. Gun battles raged in several locations of the Haitian capital Port-au-Prince on Thursday, leading to the death of several police officers and forcing dozens of commercial airlines to suspend flights in the troubled Caribbean nation. Haiti’s main…

Flour massacre: How Gaza food killings unfolded, and Israel’s story changed | Israel War on Gaza News

Flour massacre: How Gaza food killings unfolded, and Israel’s story changed | Israel War on Gaza News

At least 112 Palestinians have been killed and more than 750 wounded after Israeli troops opened fire on hundreds waiting for food aid southwest of Gaza City. Here is what we know: What happened and when? The incident unfolded at about 04:30 local time (02:30 GMT) on Thursday, when people…

UK politician Galloway who campaigned against Gaza war wins by-election | Israel War on Gaza News

UK politician Galloway who campaigned against Gaza war wins by-election | Israel War on Gaza News

George Galloway wins Rochdale seat by 12,335 votes after running on pro-Palestine campaign. A controversial left-wing United Kingdom politician has registered a landslide win in a parliamentary by-election on a platform of promising to advocate for Gaza. George Galloway won the seat in the northern English town of Rochdale after…

The war on Gaza is a health justice issue, too | Israel War on Gaza

The war on Gaza is a health justice issue, too | Israel War on Gaza

This week, more than 40 organisations working on health justice around the globe put out an urgent call to the global health and human rights community. In an open letter, we issued a call to global health bodies, health institutions, professional associations and the World Medical Association (WMA) to take…