Praying for Armageddon: Evangelicals, the US and the Middle East | Israel War on Gaza

Praying for Armageddon: Evangelicals, the US and the Middle East | Israel War on Gaza

Episode 1 of a doomsday political thriller about evangelical Christian influence on US foreign policy in the Middle East. The first episode of Praying for Armageddon goes inside the evangelical Christian movement to explore its influence on US democracy and foreign policy. Preparing for the “end times”, a grassroots pastor…

Is­rael’s war on Gaza: List of key events, day 166 | Israel War on Gaza News

Is­rael’s war on Gaza: List of key events, day 166 | Israel War on Gaza News

The WHO says increasing numbers of children in Gaza are on the ‘brink of death’ from acute hunger as the UK sends more aid. Here’s how things stand on Wednesday, March 20, 2024: Fighting and humanitarian crisis Explosions and shootings shook the Gaza Strip’s biggest hospital and surrounding neighbourhoods as…

Record number of people executed for drug offences in 2023 | Death Penalty News

Record number of people executed for drug offences in 2023 | Death Penalty News

In its annual report, Harm Reduction International says at least 467 drug-related executions took place last year. At least 467 people were executed for drug offences in 2023, a new record, according to Harm Reduction International (HRI), an NGO that has been tracking the use of the death penalty for…

Papua New Guinea floods, landslides leave at least 23 dead | Floods News

Papua New Guinea floods, landslides leave at least 23 dead | Floods News

Mountain and coastal provinces have been flooded, with one coastal village considering relocating due to rising sea levels. At least 23 people have been killed as torrential rain and king tides wash away roads, homes and food gardens in Papua New Guinea’s (PNG) highland and coastal regions. The dead, including…

In Indonesia and Malaysia, boycotts hammer McDonald’s, Starbucks | Israel War on Gaza

In Indonesia and Malaysia, boycotts hammer McDonald’s, Starbucks | Israel War on Gaza

Medan, Indonesia – Ordinarily during the holy month of Ramadan, entrepreneur Putra Kelana breaks fast with his family and friends at several different food outlets across his city in North Sumatra.  But this year, one outlet will not be on the menu: McDonald’s. Kelana has been boycotting the fast food…

North Korea claims progress in development of hypersonic missile | Weapons News

North Korea claims progress in development of hypersonic missile | Weapons News

The country is stepping up its development of more technologically-advanced weaponry capable of striking further afield. North Korea has successfully tested a solid-fuel engine for its new-type intermediate-range hypersonic missile. State media reported the development on Wednesday, suggesting progress in Pyongyang’s efforts to develop a more powerful, agile missile that…

Russia-Ukraine war: List of key events, day 755 | Russia-Ukraine war News

Russia-Ukraine war: List of key events, day 755 | Russia-Ukraine war News

As the war enters its 755th day, these are the main developments. Here is the situation on Wednesday, March 20, 2024. Fighting Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy appealed to Kyiv’s allies to supply more air defences, saying Russia had launched 130 missiles, more than 320 attack drones and almost 900 guided…

‘Horrific’: US Supreme court allows Texas to detain, deport migrants | Migration News

‘Horrific’: US Supreme court allows Texas to detain, deport migrants | Migration News

The United States Supreme Court has lifted a pause on a controversial law that allows Texas state authorities to detain and deport migrants and asylum seekers, a measure critics have dubbed the “show me your papers” law. The top court on Tuesday voted six to three to allow the law,…

Pro-Israel online influencing operation has been targeting UNRWA: Report | Social Media News

Pro-Israel online influencing operation has been targeting UNRWA: Report | Social Media News

Washington, DC – An online influencing operation using fake social media accounts has targeted the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), according to the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, which cited a new report from a disinformation watchdog. Fake Reporter, an Israeli group that studies online disinformation, found…

Far-right Austrian nationalist Martin Sellner banned from entering Germany | The Far Right News

Far-right Austrian nationalist Martin Sellner banned from entering Germany | The Far Right News

Sellner is known for his talk about ‘remigration’ at a recent meeting of nationalist populists in Europe that triggered large protests in Germany. Far-right Austrian nationalist Martin Sellner has been banned from entering Germany, days after he was deported from Switzerland. Sellner, a leader in Austria’s ultranationalist Identitarian Movement, said…