US sanctions shipping firm accused of links to Iran, Yemen’s Houthis | Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps News

US sanctions shipping firm accused of links to Iran, Yemen’s Houthis | Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps News

The measures come as Washington tries to curb the Yemeni group’s attacks on Red Sea shipping lanes amid the war on Gaza. Washington, DC – The United States has imposed sanctions on a shipping company it accused of facilitating the transfer of Iranian commodities linked to a Houthi official to China….

Vietnam’s President Vo Van Thuong resigns amid anticorruption campaign | Politics News

Vietnam’s President Vo Van Thuong resigns amid anticorruption campaign | Politics News

Governing party says that Thuong’s ‘shortcomings’ had negatively affected the reputation of the party and the state. Vietnam President Vo Van Thuong has resigned after a little more than a year in office due to “violations” and “shortcomings”, the governing Communist Party has said. Thuong is the second president to…

French regulator hits Google with 2m fine over media licensing deal | Business and Economy News

French regulator hits Google with $272m fine over media licensing deal | Business and Economy News

French Competition Authority says tech giant fails to respect commitments and negotiate in ‘good faith’ with publishers. France’s competition watchdog has fined Google 250 million euros ($272m) for breaching commitments to media companies on content licensing. The French Competition Authority said on Wednesday that it was imposing the fine as…

Israeli military says 90 people killed in Gaza’s al-Shifa Hospital raid | Israel War on Gaza News

Israeli military says 90 people killed in Gaza’s al-Shifa Hospital raid | Israel War on Gaza News

The Israeli military says it has killed 90 people during its raid on Gaza’s al-Shifa Hospital where a siege has entered a third day, as displaced Palestinians sheltering in the facility described long detentions and abuse. Hamas condemned what it called Israel’s “bloody massacre” at al-Shifa and said civilians, patients…

What is the Texas immigration law ‘SB4’, and why is it so controversial? | Migration News

What is the Texas immigration law ‘SB4’, and why is it so controversial? | Migration News

A US federal appeals court has blocked Texas’s controversial immigration law, hours after the Supreme Court allowed the state to begin enforcing the measure. Here is what we know about the law and the latest updates: What is the Texas immigration law? The law known as Texas Senate Bill 4 (SB4)…

EU agrees to cap tariff-free Ukraine farm imports | European Union News

EU agrees to cap tariff-free Ukraine farm imports | European Union News

Beset by angry farmer protests, EU to implement ‘safeguards’ to prevent cheap imports flooding market. The European Union has agreed a provisional deal to cap duty-free agricultural imports from Ukraine. The agreement was reached on Wednesday as member states and lawmakers extended a policy of tariff exemptions on many Ukrainian…

Twelve workers killed in Pakistan coal mine explosion | Mining News

Twelve workers killed in Pakistan coal mine explosion | Mining News

Unions point to hazardous working conditions as major cause of accidents in resource-rich Balochistan. At least 12 miners have been killed in a gas explosion at a coalpit in Pakistan’s southwestern province of Balochistan. The explosion at the private pit in Harnai, in the mining region of Khost, occurred late…

Brazilian police indict Bolsonaro over fake COVID certificate | Courts News

Brazilian police indict Bolsonaro over fake COVID certificate | Courts News

Facing multiple probes, former president’s first indictment is for allegedly falsifying his vaccine record. Brazilian police have recommended that Jair Bolsonaro be prosecuted for forging his COVID vaccination certificate. The federal police indictment was released by Brazil’s Supreme Court on Tuesday, following an investigation that began last year. The probe…