Feudalism Camouflaged as Democracy — Global Issues

Iraq resort shelling a ‘shocking disregard for civilian life’, UN envoy says — Global Issues

Ambassadors convened late in the afternoon New York time, to discuss the 20 July attack in Zahko, a city in the Kurdistan region near the border with Türkiye, in an area where Turkish forces are conducting counter-terrorism operations against outlawed militant groups.  Ms. Hennis-Plasschaert provided a timeline of developments since…

Feudalism Camouflaged as Democracy — Global Issues

UNICEF delivers life-saving supplies for over 50,000 children in Odesa — Global Issues

Using a total of 27 cargo trucks, UNICEF was able to access the southern Ukrainian city and pre-position water purification equipment, sanitation and hygiene supplies, to prevent sickness due to lack of clean water and sanitation – a major threat to vulnerable families caught in war. Around 110,000 people will…

Feudalism Camouflaged as Democracy — Global Issues

Outlook worsens as global recession looms – IMF — Global Issues

The World Economic Outlook Update July 2022: Gloomy and More Uncertain, highlights the significant consequences of the stalling of the world’s three main economic powerhouses – the United States, China and the major European economies. The world may soon be teetering on the edge of a global recession – IMF economist…

Feudalism Camouflaged as Democracy — Global Issues

Reversing ‘negative trends’ essential, Security Council hears — Global Issues

Mounting tensions in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and continued settlement activity and settler-related violence continue. “Immediate steps to reverse negative trends and support the Palestinian people are essential,” said Lynn Hastings, UNSCO’s deputy chief, UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for the Occupied Palestinian Territory, speaking on behalf…

Rising Sea Levels, Drought, Hurricanes and Deforestation Threaten Latin America and the Caribbean — Global Issues

Rising Sea Levels, Drought, Hurricanes and Deforestation Threaten Latin America and the Caribbean — Global Issues

Coastal view from the Kalinago Territory in Dominica. Credit: Alison Kentish/IPS by Alison Kentish (united nations) Tuesday, July 26, 2022 Inter Press Service UNITED NATIONS, Jul 26 (IPS) – According to the 2021 World Meteorological Organization’s State of the Climate in Latin America and the Caribbean report, extreme events have worsened…

Feudalism Camouflaged as Democracy — Global Issues

Both UK & Congo Think They’re Climate Leaders COP26s Fallout Shows How Far Adrift They Are — Global Issues

Opinion by Irene Wabiwa Betoko (kinshasa) Tuesday, July 26, 2022 Inter Press Service KINSHASA, Jul 26 (IPS) – The writer is the International Project Leader for the Congo Basin Forest, Greenpeace AfricaFrom the fall-out of the pandemic to the interlocking cost of living and energy security crises currently gripping the world,…

Feudalism Camouflaged as Democracy — Global Issues

Human rights abuses, political stalemates, electoral delays mar progress — Global Issues

Despite some progress, a constitutional and political stalemate continues, prolonging tensions and fuelling insecurity, while clashes in and around Tripoli surge, she added. “The economic situation remains dire,” she continued. “We have witnessed demonstrations by frustrated Libyans over the lack of progress on elections and poor State services. In addition,…