Rescuing global goals, world’s ‘highest common priority’ – UN chief — Global Issues

Rescuing global goals, world’s ‘highest common priority’ – UN chief — Global Issues

From the economic repercussions of the COVID pandemic to food insecurity exacerbated by the Ukraine war, Secretary-General António Guterres painted a picture of accumulating crises that have put the drive towards the global goals into reverse. “We must rise higher to rescue the SDGs – and stay true to our promise of…

Floods Drive Urban Solutions in Brazilian Metropolis — Global Issues

Floods Drive Urban Solutions in Brazilian Metropolis — Global Issues

Pollution from urban sewage is visible in the Onça (jaguar, in Portuguese) River, near its mouth, seen here from the entrance bridge in the Ribeiro de Abreu neighborhood that suffers frequent flooding when it rains heavily in Belo Horizonte, capital of the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais, in southeastern Brazil….

No Quick End to Children Trapped in Tobacco Production — Global Issues

No Quick End to Children Trapped in Tobacco Production — Global Issues

Children working on tobacco farms in Chipangali District in Eastern Province of Zambia. Credit: Brenda Chitindi, British Medical Journal, 2015. Opinion by Judith Mackay, Leonce Dieudonne Leonce (hong kong / lome) Tuesday, May 17, 2022 Inter Press Service HONG KONG / LOME, May 17 (IPS) – Despite World Day Against Child…

Its Time To Globalise Compassion, Says Nobel Laureate Kailash Satyarthi — Global Issues

Its Time To Globalise Compassion, Says Nobel Laureate Kailash Satyarthi — Global Issues

Nobel Laureate Kailash Satyarthi addresses the 5th Global Conference on the Elimination of Child Labour. Despite setbacks, he is optimistic that child labour can be abolished. Credit: Cecilia Russell/IPS by Fawzia Moodley (durban) Monday, May 16, 2022 Inter Press Service Durban, May 16 (IPS) – “I have been talking to leaders of rich…

Minimal risk of monkeypox transmission in UK following confirmed case — Global Issues

Minimal risk of monkeypox transmission in UK following confirmed case — Global Issues

On 7 May, UK health authorities notified WHO of the confirmed case in an individual who had recently returned to the country from Nigeria.  Monkeypox is a viral disease that occurs primarily in tropical rainforest areas of Central and West Africa.  It is occasionally exported to other regions.  Modes of…

WHO ‘concerned’ over COVID-19 outbreak in DPR Korea, reiterates full support — Global Issues

WHO ‘concerned’ over COVID-19 outbreak in DPR Korea, reiterates full support — Global Issues

In a statement, WHO took note of the “deaths and large number of people with fever” as reported by the official news agency KCNA, for DPRK – commonly known as North Korea – but said they are still awaiting information from the International Health Regulations national focal point, concerning the…

Undocumented Migration Puts Pressure on New Chilean Government for Solutions — Global Issues

Undocumented Migration Puts Pressure on New Chilean Government for Solutions — Global Issues

Lacombe (right), from Haiti, and Ricaela, a Dominican who recently arrived in Chile, pose at the stall where they work for a Chilean entrepreneur at a popular outdoor Sunday market in Arrieta, in Peñalolén, in eastern Santiago. CREDIT: Orlando Milesi/IPS by Orlando Milesi (santiago) Monday, May 16, 2022 Inter Press Service…

Support for war crimes investigations ‘of paramount importance’ — Global Issues

Support for war crimes investigations ‘of paramount importance’ — Global Issues

Special Rapporteur Morris Tidball-Binz called on the international community to step up support for Ukraine’s own investigations, and welcomed progress made so far by the Office of the Prosecutor General in ensuring perpetrators are brought to justice.  He also commended the international community’s swift mobilization in establishing mechanisms and initiatives…