Ukrainian refugees arrive in Poland ‘in a state of distress and anxiety’ — Global Issues

Ukrainian refugees arrive in Poland ‘in a state of distress and anxiety’ — Global Issues

“Poland remains the main country of arrival for refugees from Ukraine,” UNHCR spokesperson Olga Sarrado told journalists at a regular press briefing in Geneva. And while the pace has slowed in comparison to early March – when over 100,000 people were arriving per day – May has continued to witness around…

Food Banks are Early Warning Systems for Emerging Food Crises, but also a Key Solution — Global Issues

Food Banks are Early Warning Systems for Emerging Food Crises, but also a Key Solution — Global Issues

Community members in Sowripalayam, outside Coimbatore, receive a meal from No Food Waste, a GFN-supported food bank in India. Credit: The Global Food Banking Network/Narayana Swamy Subbaraman Opinion by Lisa Moon (chicago, usa) Friday, May 27, 2022 Inter Press Service CHICAGO, USA, May 27 (IPS) – For months, the specter of…

Gender Sensitivity Key to Achieving Climate Justice — Global Issues

Gender Sensitivity Key to Achieving Climate Justice — Global Issues

Women attend an event on solutions for implementing gender-responsive climate action at the United Nations in 2019. Credit: UN Women/Ryan Brown. by Juliet Morrison (toronto) Friday, May 27, 2022 Inter Press Service Toronto, May 27 (IPS) – While the climate crisis affects virtually every aspect of life, its impacts are not…

Resolve the conflict, don’t just manage it, top envoy tells Israelis, Palestinians — Global Issues

Resolve the conflict, don’t just manage it, top envoy tells Israelis, Palestinians — Global Issues

“There are tangible, ongoing arrangements that can be regularized and expanded immediately – if there is political will,” said Tor Wennesland, adding that he is actively engaged with Israelis, Palestinians, regional States and the broader international community, to forge a return to the negotiating path that will end the occupation and…

‘Protracted political impasse’ further polarizing Libya — Global Issues

‘Protracted political impasse’ further polarizing Libya — Global Issues

“We are concerned that the protracted political impasse is having an increasingly negative impact on security,” said Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, Rosemary DiCarlo. “A coordinated and constructive effort is required to prevent further polarization and end the political stalemate.” Commendable progress Last week, UN Special Advisor Stephanie Williams…

Peacekeepers’ Day ceremony honours service and sacrifice of UN blue helmets — Global Issues

Peacekeepers’ Day ceremony honours service and sacrifice of UN blue helmets — Global Issues

Secretary-General António Guterres began the commemoration by laying a wreath at the Peacekeepers Memorial at UN Headquarters, in homage of the more than 4,200 blue helmets who have sacrificed their lives over the past seven decades.  ‘Forever in our hearts’  He also honoured the 117 peacekeepers who died last year. …

African nations leading the way on ‘food systems transformation’: Guterres — Global Issues

African nations leading the way on ‘food systems transformation’: Guterres — Global Issues

António Guterres was addressing the start of a high-level policy dialogue at UN Headquarters in New York, part of the Africa Dialogue Series 2022, convened to strengthen resilience in food supplies across the continent, at a time when “decades of progress on hunger are being reversed.”  Deep connections  He said…

All Africa Student Leader says Political Will, Collective Action, Education and Social Packages Can End Child Labour — Global Issues

All Africa Student Leader says Political Will, Collective Action, Education and Social Packages Can End Child Labour — Global Issues

Samuel Sasu Adonteng’s voice was one of many young voices heard during the 5th Global Conference on the Elimination of Child Labour. He believes the inclusion of the youth means there are better chances that the campaign to end the scourge will succeed. Credit: Fawzia Moodley/IPS by Fawzia Moodley (durban) Thursday,…