Cycle of ‘human rights violations and abuses’ continues, warns Bachelet — Global Issues

Cycle of ‘human rights violations and abuses’ continues, warns Bachelet — Global Issues

“What we are witnessing today is the systematic and widespread use of tactics against civilians, in respect of which there are reasonable grounds to believe the commission of crimes against humanity and war crimes”, High Commissioner Michelle Bachelet told the Human Rights Council. ‘Dire situation’ Since last year’s coup, at…

Disability Inclusion Lifts Rural Ugandan Families From Poverty — Global Issues

Disability Inclusion Lifts Rural Ugandan Families From Poverty — Global Issues

Lawrence Akena had never dreamt of owning a cow. BRAC believes ownership of assets like livestock can get people out of extreme poverty. Credit: Wambi Michael/IPS by Wambi Michael (oyam & gulu, uganda) Tuesday, June 14, 2022 Inter Press Service Oyam & Gulu, Uganda, Jun 14 (IPS) – Lawrence Akena was…

The Weaponization of Energy & Europe’s Way Out — Global Issues

The Weaponization of Energy & Europe’s Way Out — Global Issues

Credit: European Commission Opinion by Reghina Dimitrisina (brussels) Tuesday, June 14, 2022 Inter Press Service BRUSSELS, Jun 14 (IPS) – The fast-changing environment requires Europe’s energy system not only to adapt but to also find the right mechanisms to ensure its unity in the face of turbulent challenges. In March 2022,…

Cycle of ‘human rights violations and abuses’ continues, warns Bachelet — Global Issues

UN launches crowdfunding campaign to head off decaying oil tanker threat — Global Issues

The goal is to raise funds to start the $80 million emergency operation to transfer oil from the FSO Safer to a temporary vessel.  The FSO Safer is moored off Yemen’s Red Sea coast and contains more than a million barrels of oil.  The tanker is beyond repair, and the…

Cycle of ‘human rights violations and abuses’ continues, warns Bachelet — Global Issues

Myanmar’s multidimensional crises have ‘deepened and expanded dramatically’ — Global Issues

Noeleen Heyzer said that since she took up the job six months ago, Myanmar has “continued to descend into profound and widespread conflict”. Already one of the world’s largest refugee emergencies, she reminded that multidimensional crises there have left over one million internally displaced people (IDPs) across the country with “serious…

Cycle of ‘human rights violations and abuses’ continues, warns Bachelet — Global Issues

Support ‘deep aspiration’ for reform, top envoy urges Security Council — Global Issues

El-Ghassim Wane, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Mali, urged ambassadors to support the renewal of the mandate of the UN Mission there, MINUSMA, which he heads.  Although the West African country continues to face political, security and humanitarian challenges, “they are far from being insurmountable,” he said.  Deep aspirations …