Safe in the sun? UN launches new app to help beat skin cancer — Global Issues

Safe in the sun? UN launches new app to help beat skin cancer — Global Issues

The SunSmart Global UV App, is the collective brainchild of the World Health Organization (WHO), the International Labour Organization (ILO), the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the UN Environment Programme (UNEP). Five-day forecast “The SunSmart Global UV App provides five-day UV and weather forecasts at searchable locations”, said Carla Drysdale,…

Tobacco Consumption Slows in the West, Grows in Africa, say Researchers — Global Issues

Tobacco Consumption Slows in the West, Grows in Africa, say Researchers — Global Issues

As cigarette smuggling in Southern Africa becomes big business, researchers have expressed concern that tobacco consumption is increasing in younger people and developing countries. Credit: Ignatius Banda/IPS by Ignatius Banda (bulawayo, zimbabwe) Tuesday, June 21, 2022 Inter Press Service BULAWAYO, Zimbabwe, Jun 21 (IPS) – Cigarette smuggling has emerged as one…

Safe in the sun? UN launches new app to help beat skin cancer — Global Issues

OECDs Regressive World Corporate Income Tax Reform — Global Issues

Opinion by Jomo Kwame Sundaram, Anis Chowdhury (sydney and kuala lumpur) Tuesday, June 21, 2022 Inter Press Service SYDNEY and KUALA LUMPUR, Jun 21 (IPS) – After decades of rejecting international tax cooperation under multilateral auspices, rich countries have finally agreed. But, by insisting on their own terms, progressive corporate income…

Safe in the sun? UN launches new app to help beat skin cancer — Global Issues

Ocean literacy and unlocking a revolution in ocean science solutions — Global Issues

As a part of this push, the UN Scientific, Educational and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is asking the world to join the revolution to unlock innovative ocean science solutions. UN News spoke to experts within and outside the UN system to reveal the importance of ocean literacy. Empowering people to take…

Safe in the sun? UN launches new app to help beat skin cancer — Global Issues

Guterres underlines ‘moral imperative’ to continue cross-border aid operation from Türkiye — Global Issues

Overall, more than 14 million people in Syria require assistance amid a dire situation in which infrastructure has crumbled and economic activity halved due to conflict, regional financial crises, sanctions, and the COVID-19 pandemic.  The international community has helped avoid a total collapse in Syria. But the only way to…

War in Ukraine Triggers New International Non-Alignment Trend — Global Issues

War in Ukraine Triggers New International Non-Alignment Trend — Global Issues

View of the United Nations General Assembly, which on three occasions this year has censured the invasion of Russian forces in Ukraine and where many countries have expressed non-alignment with the positions taken by the contenders. CREDIT: Manuel Elias/UN by Humberto Marquez (caracas) Monday, June 20, 2022 Inter Press Service CARACAS,…

Safe in the sun? UN launches new app to help beat skin cancer — Global Issues

Window of opportunity closing for South Sudan, on road to lasting peace — Global Issues

“This includes the full and proper participation of women in all the mechanisms contemplated by the [Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of Conflict in South Sudan]”, said Nicholas Haysom, who is also Head of the UN Mission there (UNMISS). SRSG Haysom at UNSC: Renewed legislative activity is noticeable following completion…