Most Broadway Theaters Will Drop Vaccine Checks, but Not Mask Mandate

Most Broadway Theaters Will Drop Vaccine Checks, but Not Mask Mandate

Vaccination and masking requirements, long gone in many parts of the country, have been falling away in New York City; on March 7, the city dropped rules requiring proof of vaccination for indoor dining at restaurants, for example. Other settings, including movie theaters as well as some comedy, sports and…

Dressage Coach Acquitted of Shooting Student by Reason of Insanity

Dressage Coach Acquitted of Shooting Student by Reason of Insanity

An Olympic dressage coach accused of shooting his student was acquitted of attempted murder and found not guilty by reason of insanity in a case that stunned the elite dressage community. Michael Barisone, 57, an Olympic rider, said that he was defending himself when he shot Lauren Kanarek twice in…