Opinion | America Doesn’t Have to Have a Broken Relationship With Saudi Arabia

Opinion | America Doesn’t Have to Have a Broken Relationship With Saudi Arabia

Bashing Saudi Arabia during a presidential election season is almost a tradition in the United States, and President Biden was no exception. Emboldened by domestic outrage over the murder of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi and the Saudi-led intervention in Yemen, Mr. Biden went further than his predecessors by calling Saudi…

Manchin, Playing to the Home Crowd, Is Fighting Electric Cars to the End

Manchin, Playing to the Home Crowd, Is Fighting Electric Cars to the End

WASHINGTON — Senator Joe Manchin III’s opposition to government incentives for electric vehicles is a sticking point in negotiations over President Biden’s tax and spending package — talks that appear to be coming to a head this week after months of fits and starts. Mr. Biden and most Senate Democrats…

Ukraine’s Demands for More Weapons Clash With U.S. Concerns

Ukraine’s Demands for More Weapons Clash With U.S. Concerns

WASHINGTON — The Ukrainians say they need faster shipments of long-range artillery and other sophisticated weapons to blunt Russia’s steady advance. The United States and the Europeans insist more are on the way but are wary of sending too much equipment before Ukrainian soldiers can be trained. The Pentagon is…