Trump Gives CNBC a Rambling Answer on Why He Backtracked on TikTok Ban

Trump Gives CNBC a Rambling Answer on Why He Backtracked on TikTok Ban

Former President Donald J. Trump offered a rambling and confusing explanation on Monday of why he had reversed himself on whether the United States should ban TikTok over concerns that its Chinese ownership poses a threat to national security. In a CNBC interview, Mr. Trump said that he still considered…

Opinion | And the Award for Best Performance at the State of the Union Goes to …

Opinion | And the Award for Best Performance at the State of the Union Goes to …

Bret Stephens: Hi, Gail. I think it’s safe to say that Joe Biden’s confident performance at the State of the Union has put to rest any doubts that he’ll be the Democratic nominee, with Kamala Harris as his running mate. My questions are two: Did he change anyone’s mind? And…

Numerous Passengers Treated Following ‘Technical Problem’ on Latam Flight Bound for Auckland

Numerous Passengers Treated Following ‘Technical Problem’ on Latam Flight Bound for Auckland

About 50 people were treated by emergency medical workers on Monday after a Latam Airlines flight bound for Auckland, New Zealand’s largest city, experienced what the airline called “strong movement” caused by a “technical problem.” Twelve people, one of whom was in serious condition, were taken to three hospitals, Auckland’s…

Opinion | “Oppenheimer,” My Uncle and the Secrets America Doesn’t Want to Tell

Opinion | “Oppenheimer,” My Uncle and the Secrets America Doesn’t Want to Tell

For Richard it started with a pituitary tumor. Surgeons removed it, but the result, a few years later, was a cranial bleed and brain damage that worsened over time. As a kid I found my uncle kind but intimidating, a larger-than-life mix of showman’s bravado and military rigor. After the…

Navigating Israeli Restrictions, Many Palestinians Find It Hard to Reach Al Aqsa

Navigating Israeli Restrictions, Many Palestinians Find It Hard to Reach Al Aqsa

As the sermon about the Muslim holy month of Ramadan sounded over the speakers from Al Aqsa Mosque, 13-year-old Yousef al-Sideeq sat on a bench outside the compound’s gates. “Most Fridays they prevent me from getting in, for no reason,” the young Jerusalem resident said, referring to the Israeli police….