The Fiddle Leaf Fig Is Dead. What’s the New Popular Plant?

The Fiddle Leaf Fig Is Dead. What’s the New Popular Plant?

“The ‘It’ plant is the quest,” said Katie Dubow, the president of Garden Media Group, a public relations firm that advises companies on market trends. “Everybody wants to have it, grow it, sell it.” People’s relationships with their plants deepened during the pandemic, industry experts say, and once trendy varieties…

Vladimir Sorokin Says Russian Writers Should Fight Back in War on Truth

Vladimir Sorokin Says Russian Writers Should Fight Back in War on Truth

Over the past 40 years, Vladimir Sorokin’s work has punctured nearly every imaginable political and social taboo in Russia. His novel “Blue Lard,” which features a graphic sex scene between clones of Stalin and Khrushchev, drew a criminal investigation over charges that he was selling pornography. Pro-Kremlin activists accused him…

India Is Stalling the W.H.O.’s Efforts to Make Global Covid Death Toll Public

India Is Stalling the W.H.O.’s Efforts to Make Global Covid Death Toll Public

An ambitious effort by the World Health Organization to calculate the global death toll from the coronavirus pandemic has found that vastly more people died than previously believed — a total of about 15 million by the end of 2021, more than double the official total of six million reported…

Europe’s Airports Face Chaos as Travelers Return

Europe’s Airports Face Chaos as Travelers Return

In an echo of what American carriers faced as Omicron spread, easyJet said hundreds of its cancellations occurred because of coronavirus-related crew absences. British Airways has also been struggling with staff sickness but said a majority of its flights continue to operate as planned. On Tuesday, easyJet’s chief executive officer,…

Taxpayers Shoulder Costs for .4 Billion Stadium. Buffalo Bills Fans Cheer.

Taxpayers Shoulder Costs for $1.4 Billion Stadium. Buffalo Bills Fans Cheer.

ORCHARD PARK, N.Y. — Just like the Buffalo Bills themselves, who famously lost four straight Super Bowls, there is no question that the team’s new $1.4 billion stadium proposal has its doubters. The stadium, to be built across the street from the Bills’ current home in this Buffalo suburb, is…