A Door-to-Door Effort to Find Out Who Died Helps Low-Income Countries Aid the Living

A Door-to-Door Effort to Find Out Who Died Helps Low-Income Countries Aid the Living

FUNKOYA, Sierra Leone — Augustine Alpha begins gently. “Who lives in this home?” he asks the young man, who has come in from the fields to answer his questions. Your name? Age? Religion? Marital status? In what grade did you leave school? Do you own a bicycle? Mr. Alpha taps…

‘Big Screaming Headlines’ – The New York Times

‘Big Screaming Headlines’ – The New York Times

A couple of weeks ago, the news was full of stories about high-profile people contracting Covid-19. The list included Attorney General Merrick Garland, Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, other members of Congress (like Joaquin Castro, Susan Collins, Adam Schiff and Raphael Warnock), New York Mayor Eric Adams and…

A Mask Mandate Ends Midflight, Sparking Cheers and Alarm

A Mask Mandate Ends Midflight, Sparking Cheers and Alarm

Halfway into her flight from Atlanta to Los Angeles Monday night, Brooke Tansley heard the pilot’s voice pipe up through the public address system, apologizing for the interruption. “You’re going to be very excited to hear this news,” she recalled him saying. The Transportation Security Administration was no longer requiring…