Nichelle Nichols, Lieutenant Uhura on ‘Star Trek,’ Dies at 89

Nichelle Nichols, Lieutenant Uhura on ‘Star Trek,’ Dies at 89

Nichelle Nichols, the actress revered by “Star Trek” fans everywhere for her role as Lieutenant Uhura, the communications officer on the starship U.S.S. Enterprise, died on Saturday in Silver City, N.M. She was 89. The cause was heart failure, said Sky Conway, a writer and a film producer who was…

How the Kremlin Is Forcing Ukrainians to Adopt Russian Life

How the Kremlin Is Forcing Ukrainians to Adopt Russian Life

They have handed out Russian passports, cellphone numbers and set-top boxes for watching Russian television. They have replaced Ukrainian currency with the ruble, rerouted the internet through Russian servers and arrested hundreds who have resisted assimilation. In ways big and small, the occupying authorities on territory seized by Moscow’s forces…

Flooded Kentucky Grows Weary After Another Natural Disaster

Flooded Kentucky Grows Weary After Another Natural Disaster

HAZARD, Ky. — Firefighters and National Guard crews have swarmed into eastern Kentucky after days of deadly flooding, rescuing by the hundreds people who found themselves trapped in the perilous water. Also preparing to send a delegation: the tiny community of Bremen, Ky., nearly 300 miles away. When Bremen was…

‘Renaissance’ Review: America Has a Problem and Beyoncé Ain’t It

‘Renaissance’ Review: America Has a Problem and Beyoncé Ain’t It

It’s too much, this being alive. Too heavy, too uncertain, too chronically cataclysmic, too bellicose, too unwell, too freighted with a possibility of the perception of error. The word of the last few years — in American activist and academic circles, anyway — has been “precarity.” Which gets at ideas…

Biden Tests Positive for Covid Again in ‘Rebound’ Case

Biden Tests Positive for Covid Again in ‘Rebound’ Case

President Biden tested positive for the coronavirus again on Saturday morning, becoming the latest example of a rebound case after taking the Paxlovid treatment that has otherwise been credited with broadly impressive results in fighting the virus and suppressing its worst effects. “The president has experienced no re-emergence of symptoms,…

Followers of Iraqi Cleric Occupy Parliament Again, Demanding Reforms

Followers of Iraqi Cleric Occupy Parliament Again, Demanding Reforms

BASRA, Iraq — Iraqi protesters loyal to the nationalist Shiite cleric Moktada al-Sadr thronged Baghdad’s fortified Green Zone for the second time in a week on Saturday to prevent the formation of a new government. They scaled concrete barriers and pushed past security forces to get into the Iraqi Parliament,…