Opinion | When a Supreme Court Justice Probably Endorsed Perjury

Opinion | When a Supreme Court Justice Probably Endorsed Perjury

Now, here’s where things get a little fishy. During the trial, the lawyer for the plaintiffs, former Attorney General Charles Lee, called on Madison to provide the commissions to the court or at least confirm their existence. He refused. He asked the (Jeffersonian) Republican-controlled Senate to provide a written record…

Shehbaz Sharif Becomes Interim Prime Minister of Pakistan

Shehbaz Sharif Becomes Interim Prime Minister of Pakistan

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — The Pakistani Parliament selected the opposition leader Shehbaz Sharif to become the country’s interim prime minister on Monday, ushering in a new government after the ouster of Imran Khan and capping a week of political turmoil that pushed the fragile democracy to the brink. The vote came two…

U.S. Weighs Shift to Support Hague Court as It Investigates Russian Atrocities

U.S. Weighs Shift to Support Hague Court as It Investigates Russian Atrocities

WASHINGTON — The Biden administration is vigorously debating how much the United States can or should assist an investigation into Russian atrocities in Ukraine by the International Criminal Court in The Hague, according to officials familiar with internal deliberations. The Biden team strongly wants to see President Vladimir V. Putin…

Opinion | Putin’s War in Ukraine Is a Watershed. Time for America to Get Real.

Opinion | Putin’s War in Ukraine Is a Watershed. Time for America to Get Real.

At the same time, taming an interdependent world will require working across ideological lines. Washington should ease off on the promotion of democracy and human rights abroad and the Biden administration should refrain from its tendency to articulate a geopolitical vision that too neatly divides the world into democracies and…