Are China and the United States on a Collision Course to War?

Are China and the United States on a Collision Course to War?

The American diplomat George Kennan, one of the architects of that order, once wrote that a healthy American foreign policy should create “the impression of a country which knows what it wants.” Yet it is just as important to know what one’s adversaries want. American adventures in East Asia, particularly,…

The Presidents of Columbia and Howard Universities Announce Their Retirements

The Presidents of Columbia and Howard Universities Announce Their Retirements

In the announcement of Mr. Bollinger’s pending departure, Columbia said it had worked with communities surrounding the new campus “to support priorities like housing and education and to build alliances that are creating vital bonds with our neighbors and defining a new era of collaboration and progress.” However, those sentiments…

Le Pen Backs NATO-Russia Reconciliation and Reduced French Role in Alliance

Le Pen Backs NATO-Russia Reconciliation and Reduced French Role in Alliance

PARIS — Rejecting a “herd-like conformity” with the Biden administration, Marine Le Pen, the French far-right candidate for the presidency, said Wednesday that France would quit NATO’s integrated military command if she were elected and would seek for the alliance “a strategic rapprochement” with Russia. As Russia’s war in Ukraine…

Frank Langella Fired From Netflix Show After Misconduct Investigation

Frank Langella Fired From Netflix Show After Misconduct Investigation

The actor Frank Langella was fired from his leading role in “The Fall of the House of Usher,” a Netflix mini-series based on Edgar Allan Poe works, after a misconduct investigation. His firing was reported by Deadline. Netflix declined to comment, but a person familiar with the matter, who was…

Brooklyn Subway Attack Was ‘Entirely Premeditated,’ Prosecutors Argue

Brooklyn Subway Attack Was ‘Entirely Premeditated,’ Prosecutors Argue

Frank R. James entered a Brooklyn subway station early Tuesday morning with an “entirely premeditated” plan to unleash a barrage of bullets into a car of commuters, an attack that federal prosecutors said in a Thursday court filing could have ended in a slaughter. Mr. James, 62, is expected to…

Did Student-Monitoring Software Accuse You of Cheating on a Test?

Did Student-Monitoring Software Accuse You of Cheating on a Test?

If you’re a student, an educator or a parent, I’m sorry. The pandemic has been an ordeal for schools. While exam time has always been tough on students, remote test-taking now often involves a new kind of pressure: special monitoring software that watches eye movements, listens for whispers and tracks…

Supply Chain Hurdles Will Outlast Covid Pandemic, White House Says

Supply Chain Hurdles Will Outlast Covid Pandemic, White House Says

In the report, the administration cited its efforts to identify weaknesses in supply chains for key products like semiconductors, electric-vehicle batteries, certain minerals and pharmaceutical products, and to bolster American manufacturing through expanded federal purchasing and other investment. “The public sector can be a partner of the private sector, rather…