Opinion | The Gerontocracy of the Democratic Party Doesn’t Understand That We’re at the Brink

Opinion | The Gerontocracy of the Democratic Party Doesn’t Understand That We’re at the Brink

If you want a sense of what separates much of the leadership of the Democratic Party from many of its supporters — of what illustrates their profound disconnect from younger cohorts of liberal and progressive voters — you could do much worse than to read this recent statement from Senator…

The Grenfell Fire, 5 Years Later: What Happened, and What Has Changed

The Grenfell Fire, 5 Years Later: What Happened, and What Has Changed

LONDON — Five years ago, a fire in a tower block in West London killed 72 people, shattered a community, unsettled a country and exposed harsh inequalities in one of London’s richest neighborhoods. It also set off a broad reckoning into British fire regulations and building safety. Shortly before 1…

Jan. 6 Hearing Live Updates: Barr Says Trump Was ‘Detached From Reality’

Jan. 6 Hearing Live Updates: Barr Says Trump Was ‘Detached From Reality’

The one big theme on the second day of hearings by the Jan. 6 committee was that former President Trump was told repeatedly — including by his own attorney general — that his “big lie” about a fraudulent election was baseless. But he made the fake claim on election night…

Opinion | Science Can Make Covid Immunity Even Stronger

Opinion | Science Can Make Covid Immunity Even Stronger

The Covid-19 pandemic has been a protracted battle between a generation-defining virus and scientists working at a breakneck pace to fight it. Following the development of the remarkably effective first-generation Covid-19 vaccines, the virus made its response: More infectious variants have emerged, capable of infecting people who have been vaccinated…