Highland Park Victim Was a Grandfather Who Hadn’t Wanted to Attend the Parade

Highland Park Victim Was a Grandfather Who Hadn’t Wanted to Attend the Parade

Nicolas Toledo, 76, didn’t want to attend the Highland Park July 4th parade, but his disabilities required that he be around someone full-time. And the family wasn’t going to skip the parade — even going so far as positioning chairs for a choice viewing spot at midnight the night before….

Opinion | Israel’s Coalition Was Not a Failure. It Was a Precedent.

Opinion | Israel’s Coalition Was Not a Failure. It Was a Precedent.

TEL AVIV —  There’s little joy in witnessing one of the most intriguing political experiments of Israel’s recent history come to an end. It took one year and one week for the leaders of Israel’s ruling coalition — Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and his senior coalition partner, Foreign Minister Yair…

Live Updates: 6 Killed in Shooting at July 4 Parade in Chicago Suburb

Live Updates: 6 Killed in Shooting at July 4 Parade in Chicago Suburb

There is no consensus on what constitutes a mass shooting, complicating the efforts of government, nonprofits and news organizations to document the scope of the problem. Different groups define mass shootings differently, depending on circumstances including the number of victims, whether the victims are killed or wounded, and whether the…