Putin’s Ukraine Gamble Pivots to a Very Different Battlefield

Putin’s Ukraine Gamble Pivots to a Very Different Battlefield

The plains would seem to favor Russia’s raw advantage in weaponry. But as a defending force, Ukraine has an advantage in striking from entrenched positions at Russian troops as they advance over open ground and into artillery range. Both sides are mustering troops for a major battle, with the Russian…

The Fiddle Leaf Fig Is Dead. What’s the New Popular Plant?

The Fiddle Leaf Fig Is Dead. What’s the New Popular Plant?

“The ‘It’ plant is the quest,” said Katie Dubow, the president of Garden Media Group, a public relations firm that advises companies on market trends. “Everybody wants to have it, grow it, sell it.” People’s relationships with their plants deepened during the pandemic, industry experts say, and once trendy varieties…