Waiting List for Section 8 Housing Vouchers Reopens in NYC After 15 Years

Waiting List for Section 8 Housing Vouchers Reopens in NYC After 15 Years

For the first time in 15 years, thousands of people who cannot afford to live in New York City may be able to get financial help through a highly sought-after federal program. Then they will face another obstacle: the city’s scarcity of apartments. The New York City Housing Authority on…

Arrest Threatens Nepal’s Standing as Bastion of Free Speech

Arrest Threatens Nepal’s Standing as Bastion of Free Speech

In a region sliding toward authoritarianism one country after another, the small Himalayan nation of Nepal was a shining exception. Political debates remained largely free, and the powerful could easily be questioned. That openness, in a poor country emerging from centuries of monarchical suppression and decades of insurgency, showed that…

What to Know About Claudia Sheinbaum, Mexico’s Newly Elected President

What to Know About Claudia Sheinbaum, Mexico’s Newly Elected President

Claudia Sheinbaum’s list of accolades is long: She has a Ph.D in energy engineering, participated in a United Nations panel of climate scientists awarded a Nobel Peace Prize and governed the capital, one of the largest cities in the hemisphere. On Sunday, she added another achievement to her résumé: becoming…

E.U. Elections Could Leave Hard Right Stumbling Over Its Own Decisions

E.U. Elections Could Leave Hard Right Stumbling Over Its Own Decisions

Nationalists are surging and expected to make big gains when voters from 27 nations cast ballots starting this week for the European Parliament. But the prospect of success is already raising the question among far-right parties of how far is too far. That question has become pressing as popular hard-right…

Elecciones en México: los votantes a la espera de resultados

Elecciones en México: los votantes a la espera de resultados

[Estamos en WhatsApp. Empieza a seguirnos ahora] Los votantes mexicanos están esperando resultados este domingo de unas elecciones que fueron pioneras en varios aspectos: se esperaba que fuera la contienda más numerosa de la historia del país, ha sido una de las más violentas en memoria reciente, y muy probablemente…

Prosecutor Drops Murder Charges Against Minnesota Trooper Amid Pushback

Prosecutor Drops Murder Charges Against Minnesota Trooper Amid Pushback

The top prosecutor in Minneapolis has dropped murder charges against a state trooper who fatally shot a motorist last year after a traffic stop, her office said on Sunday, a stunning turnaround in a case that ignited a political firestorm. The trooper, Ryan Londregan, had been charged with second-degree murder…