In Nigeria’s Venice Biennale Pavilion, Criticism Meets Optimism

In Nigeria’s Venice Biennale Pavilion, Criticism Meets Optimism

People in Lagos, Nigeria’s largest city, are hardly shy. The stereotype runs toward boisterousness, worn as a point of pride. But when the artist and poet Precious Okoyomon recorded interviews with some 60 city residents in January for an art project, the unusual questions — like “Who was responsible for…

A Perpetual Bridesmaid Gets the Crown, and Germany (Mostly) Likes the Look

A Perpetual Bridesmaid Gets the Crown, and Germany (Mostly) Likes the Look

Executives at Bayer Leverkusen, the longstanding but habitually middleweight German soccer team, have been fielding the messages since at least February. Some were delivered in person, a quiet blessing after yet another victory. Others came via WhatsApp, unsolicited and unexpected notes from peers and acquaintances and, to their occasional surprise,…

Campaign Puts Trump and the Spy Agencies on a Collision Course

Campaign Puts Trump and the Spy Agencies on a Collision Course

Even as president, Donald J. Trump flaunted his animosity for intelligence officials, portraying them as part of a politicized “deep state” out to get him. And since he left office, that distrust has grown into outright hostility, with potentially serious implications for national security should he be elected again. Citing…

Johnson Floats Voting on Senate Ukraine Bill, With Conservative Policies as Sweeteners

Johnson Floats Voting on Senate Ukraine Bill, With Conservative Policies as Sweeteners

Shortly after congressional leaders met with Japan’s prime minister in Speaker Johnson’s ceremonial office in the Capitol on Thursday morning, the conversation turned to Ukraine aid. Mr. Johnson was in the middle of another agonizing standoff with the ultraconservatives in his conference, after they had blocked legislation to extend a…

What Is the Powerful Surveillance Law That Divided Lawmakers?

What Is the Powerful Surveillance Law That Divided Lawmakers?

The House on Friday passed a two-year reauthorization of an expiring warrantless surveillance law known as Section 702, reversing course after the bill collapsed days earlier when former President Donald J. Trump urged his allies to “kill” it. But disappointing privacy advocates, the House narrowly rejected a longstanding proposal to…

Trump Co-Defendants Argue for Dismissal of Charges in Documents Case

Trump Co-Defendants Argue for Dismissal of Charges in Documents Case

Lawyers for co-defendants of former President Donald J. Trump argued in federal court in Florida on Friday to dismiss charges of aiding in the obstruction of efforts to recover classified documents. It was a rare hearing of the documents case in which Mr. Trump did not take center stage. His…