Scenes of Protests at Columbia, Yale, M.I.T. and N.Y.U.

Scenes of Protests at Columbia, Yale, M.I.T. and N.Y.U.

Protests and arrests spread across some of America’s most influential universities on Monday, as administrators struggled to defuse tensions on campuses over pro-Palestinian demonstrations on Monday. Nearly 50 people were arrested at Yale University in New Haven, Conn., on Monday morning, following the arrests last week of more than 100…

Universities Struggle as Pro-Palestinian Demonstrations Grow

Universities Struggle as Pro-Palestinian Demonstrations Grow

At New York University, the police swept in to arrest protesting students on Monday night, ending a standoff with the school’s administration. At Yale, the police placed protesters’ wrists into zip ties on Monday morning and escorted them onto campus shuttles to receive summonses for trespassing. Columbia kept its classroom…

Slide Over, Auntie: Young Chinese Find Tasty Meals in Senior Canteens

Slide Over, Auntie: Young Chinese Find Tasty Meals in Senior Canteens

Inside a canteen for seniors in downtown Shanghai, a worker brandishing a sponge inched closer to Maggie Xu, 29, as she was finishing her rice and garlic-and-oil-soaked broccoli. Ms. Xu ignored her. “If you come at 12 o’clock, the aunties will give you less food,” Ms. Xu said, speaking softly….

A Night Different From Others as Pro-Palestinian Protests Break for Seder

A Night Different From Others as Pro-Palestinian Protests Break for Seder

On the first night of Passover, the singsong of the Four Questions echoed from Jewish homes and gatherings around the world, including from unlikely, contested spaces: the center of pro-Palestinian protests at Columbia and other universities where demonstrations are taking place. As evening fell over Columbia’s tent encampment on Monday,…