Opinion | Trump Is Flirting With Quack Economics

Opinion | Trump Is Flirting With Quack Economics

More than 30 years ago, the economists Rudiger Dornbusch (one of my mentors) and Sebastian Edwards wrote a classic paper on what they called “macroeconomic populism.” Their motivating examples were inflationary outbreaks under left-wing regimes in Latin America, but it seemed clear that the key issue wasn’t left-wing governance per…

Deadline Passes but Columbia Students Remain in the Encampment

Deadline Passes but Columbia Students Remain in the Encampment

Hundreds of pro-Palestinian demonstrators marched around the protest encampment at Columbia University on Monday to protect it as a deadline set by the university to clear its central lawn passed and students inside had not dispersed. Columbia had given students until 2 p.m. to clear out from the encampment, warning…

Universities Face an Urgent Question: What Makes a Protest Antisemitic?

Universities Face an Urgent Question: What Makes a Protest Antisemitic?

In a video shared widely online, a leader of the pro-Palestinian student movement at Columbia University stands near the center of a lawn on the campus and calls out, “We have Zionists who have entered the camp.” Dozens of protesters, who have created a tent village called the “Gaza Solidarity…

Surprise Tactics and Legal Threats: Inside R.F.K. Jr.’s Ballot Access Fight

Surprise Tactics and Legal Threats: Inside R.F.K. Jr.’s Ballot Access Fight

As Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s independent presidential campaign mounts a bruising state-by-state battle for ballot access, he has often credited enthusiastic volunteers and grass-roots backers with driving the effort. In fact, the operation has become increasingly reliant on consultants and paid petitioners whose signature-gathering work has yielded mixed results and…

Inflation Is Stubborn. Is the Federal Budget Deficit Making It Worse?

Inflation Is Stubborn. Is the Federal Budget Deficit Making It Worse?

A crucial question is hanging over the American economy and the fall presidential election: Why are consumer prices still growing uncomfortably fast, even after a sustained campaign by the Federal Reserve to slow the economy by raising interest rates? Economists and policy experts have offered several explanations. Some are essentially…