Southern Baptist Leaders Mishandled Sex Abuse Crisis, Report Says

Southern Baptist Leaders Mishandled Sex Abuse Crisis, Report Says

National leaders of the Southern Baptist Convention suppressed reports of sexual abuse and resisted proposals for reform over the course of two decades, according to a third-party investigation published by the convention Sunday. The report also said that a former president of the denomination was accused of sexually assaulting a…

Opinion | Netflix Fired Frank Langella. Was That the Right Thing To Do?

Opinion | Netflix Fired Frank Langella. Was That the Right Thing To Do?

The reckoning brought on by the #MeToo movement, reported on by my Pulitzer Prize-winning colleagues at The Times, was long overdue and a huge net positive. It took years of dogged reporting on odious cases like those of Bill O’Reilly, Matt Lauer and Harvey Weinstein to fuel the #MeToo movement,…

Australia’s ‘Climate Election’ Finally Arrived. Will It Be Enough?

Australia’s ‘Climate Election’ Finally Arrived. Will It Be Enough?

SYDNEY, Australia — A few minutes after taking the stage to declare victory in Australia’s election on Saturday, Anthony Albanese, the incoming Labor prime minister, promised to transform climate change from a source of political conflict into a generator of economic growth. “Together we can end the climate wars,” he…