Children called for help from inside classrooms in Uvalde. The police waited.

Children called for help from inside classrooms in Uvalde. The police waited.

Jasmine Carrillo, 29, was working in the cafeteria with about 40 second-graders and two teachers when the attack began. The lights dimmed — part of a schoolwide lockdown that had gone into effect. Once he entered the fourth-grade building, Ms. Carrillo said, the shooter banged and kicked on the door…

Fact-Checking Trump and Cruz at the N.R.A. Convention

Fact-Checking Trump and Cruz at the N.R.A. Convention

Prominent Republicans defended gun rights at the National Rifle Association convention on Friday with some misleading claims about the efficacy of gun restrictions, gun ownership trends and school shootings. Here’s a fact check. What Was Said “Gun bans do not work. Look at Chicago. If they worked, Chicago wouldn’t be…

Opinion | What Would an Egalitarian Internet Actually Look Like?

Opinion | What Would an Egalitarian Internet Actually Look Like?

Fortunately, there is another strategy: deprivatization. To build a better internet, we need to change how it is owned and organized — not with an eye toward making markets work better, but toward making them matter less. Deprivatization aims at creating an internet where people, and not profit, rule. This…

Opinion | Amanda Gorman Poem: Hymn for the Hurting

Opinion | Amanda Gorman Poem: Hymn for the Hurting

Everything hurts,Our hearts shadowed and strange,Minds made muddied and mute.We carry tragedy, terrifying and true.And yet none of it is new;We knew it as home,As horror,As heritage.Even our childrenCannot be children,Cannot be. Everything hurts.It’s a hard time to be alive,And even harder to stay that way.We’re burdened to live out…

Active Shooter Trainings Teach the U.S. Police to ‘Stop the Killing’

Active Shooter Trainings Teach the U.S. Police to ‘Stop the Killing’

During an active shooting situation, American law enforcement officers are taught that their response should focus on two principles: first “stop the killing,” and then “stop the dying,” according to a training program based in Texas that is considered the national standard. The response should center on neutralizing the gunman,…

Opinion | America Kills Our Enemies in Our Name. And Then Keeps It Secret.

Opinion | America Kills Our Enemies in Our Name. And Then Keeps It Secret.

One of the many strange things about being an American citizen these days is that there’s a whole lot of killing done in our name that our government deliberately keeps secret. Friends of mine, back from Iraq or Afghanistan, used to respond to people asking the inappropriate question veterans always…