Nintendo Shutting Down Pokémon DP Sound Library After Just 3 Months

Nintendo Shutting Down Pokémon DP Sound Library After Just 3 Months

Nintendo is shutting down the Pokémon Sound Library later this week, just three months after the service was launched. As reported by Eurogamer, the Pokémon DP Sound Library – which lets content creators download and legally use sound effects and music from Pokémon Diamond and Pearl – will cease to…

Tournament Players Asked to Follow Absurd Rules and Not Mention Dr Disrespect on Twitch

Tournament Players Asked to Follow Absurd Rules and Not Mention Dr Disrespect on Twitch

A $100,000 tournament hosted by Dr Disrespect had Twitch streamers following some absurd rules to not mention him as he was previously banned from the platform. Full Squad Gaming’s Jake Lucky shared a recap of these Twitch community guidelines that were posted in-house by the organizer of the event, BoomTV….

12 Biggest Game Releases For June 2022

12 Biggest Game Releases For June 2022

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