David Beckham Queued to See Queen Lying in State for Over 12 Hours

David Beckham met Queen Elizabeth numerous times, but he joined the rest of the public to queue to pay his respects one last time.

“We all want to be here together and experience and celebrate the amazing life of our Queen. I think that something like this today here together is meant to be shared,” he told reporters. Beckham joined the queue at 2 A.M., and made it inside Westminster around 3:20 P.M.—a total of over 13 hours in the queue.


He was pictured wearing a suit, newsboy cap, and a mask, and carried an umbrella with him. One person queuing tweeted, “The Queue is now full of people trying to photograph David Beckham and forgetting to actually move onwards. It’s madness!”

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“This day was always going to be difficult, and it’s difficult for the nation, it’s difficult for everyone around the world, because I think everyone is feeling it, and our thoughts are with the family and obviously with everybody here today,” Beckham said. “Because it’s special to be here, to celebrate, and to hear the different stories that people have to say.”

In 2003, Queen Elizabeth appointed Beckham an OBE—Order of the British Empire—for his services to football.

her majesty hosts the final queen's young leaders awards ceremony

Queen Elizabeth meets David Beckham at Buckingham Palace in 2018.

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“The most special moment for me was to receive my OBE. I took my grandparents with me, who were the ones that really brought me up to be a huge royalist and a fan of the royal family, and obviously I had my wife there as well,” he shared. “To step up, to get my honour, but then also Her Majesty, to ask questions, to talk, I was so lucky that I was able to have a few moments like that in my life, to be around Her Majesty. Because we can all see with the love that has been shown, how special she is and how special she was and the legacy that she leaves behind.”

“It’s a sad day, but it’s a day for us to remember the incredible legacy that she’s left,” Beckham concluded.

Beckham’s walk through Westminster Hall could be viewed on the livestreams, and the British athlete looked emotional as he wiped away tears.

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The Best Street Style at New York Fashion Week Spring 2023

Like Art Basel and Burning Man, New York Fashion Week has a tendency to take over an entire city—and its inhabitants’ Instagrams. Literally, you can’t turn a corner or scroll through your feed without being bombarded with extremely well-dressed people ready to stop traffic to pose for a photo. For that reason, we asked our resident photographer Tyler Joe to capture the best of the best looks on the streets, from editors and influencers to city dwellers just looking to get in on the fun (and really, who could blame them?).

See the looks below, and make sure to check back as Joe continues to snap the streets the rest of the week.

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Selma Blair on Accessible Fashion and Onscreen Sex

T.S. Eliot may have measured his life in coffee spoons, but millennial girls do it in Selma Blair movies.

We hit high school as she hit the big screen in Cruel Intentions; we got our diplomas as she scored her law degree in Legally Blonde. Our first G-strings were inspired by her Sweetest Thing sexcapades; we copied her Hellboy scowl when (annoyingly) catcalled at the gym. We copied her style, too: the shiny leather jacket from her Chanel campaign, the peek-a-boo black lace of her Miu Miu ads, the swingy Marc Jacobs bag (named “The Selma,” of course) she paired with simple tanks and jeans. And we rooted for her—constantly, compulsively, still—when she revealed her struggles with multiple sclerosis via her (very good) autobiography Mean Baby and the docu-series Introducing Selma Blair.

This month, Blair unveils yet another role—Official Gap Style Icon—just in time for our annual fall fashion wake-up call. Here’s how the actress once dressed Valentino, what she wants us to learn from her onscreen sex follies, and where she thinks accessible fashion can go next.

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True or false: Before you were famous, you worked at The Gap.

So true! I genuinely love The Gap, because their staples and reinvented staples are my fashion language, you know? Back in Michigan, I worked at Gap in the mall. It was very much a teenage mall job—like, I would get a cookie from the food court on my break, and try to get Bennigan’s to serve me a margarita. But then I moved to New York and working at Gap was kind of like being a celebrity.

How so?

Oh, it was the ultimate high-low! And that’s always been me…I mean, it’s the ’90s and I’m this young woman living in the Salvation Army, and trying to be an actress, and I worked at a Gap on the Upper East Side that was really, like, the Gap. It was immaculate inside, and everyone who worked in fashion came to this Gap. Models would come in, Pat McGrath would come in, and Valentino—I was personally styling Valentino at The Gap.

Wait. You were Valentino’s personal Gap stylist?

I sure was. I was personally selling him T-shirts, going down into the basement to get him more inventory. I told everyone else, “Nobody is touching him,” and they’re like, “Who, the tan man?” I said, “Guys, the tan man is Valentino, and I will sell him every single pocket T-shirt in this store, and he will take them on his yacht and outfit every one of his guests in Gap.” I remember knowing it was so remarkable that I was handing clothes to Valentino, who was so kind, by the way. I remember telling him, “These T-shirts are so cool; you should give them to everyone on your yacht so they’re comfortable.” He said, “Wow, what a great idea!” I think that’s the first time I ever felt like a celebrity.

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Give us more Gap tea.

Well, besides helping Valentino, I became an expert at folding things in a neat, identical pile. I’m still great at folding. At The Gap, we had this plexiglass “folding board” that we used to make it look just right. But you can also just use a cutting board. That’s what I do.

Can you help settle a debate at the ELLE.com office? What’s the best Gap campaign of all time?

Wait, what’s yours?

I like the Carol King one—the bell-bottoms at the piano send me—but Claire is 100 percent firm on Mellow Yellow.

I’m a dancer at heart, so I’m going to have to go with the swing khakis commercial. Everyone’s seeing the shape and movement of those clothes, and just having that sense of fun in fashion being broadcast in a major campaign, all over the airwaves. I find that to be remarkable. The Audrey Hepburn one, where she’s dancing, is always a thrill, too. When there’s dance in the campaigns, you see this Gap silhouette being really chic while moving all over the frame. You see these people wearing clothes that give them the freedom to dance and the ease of movement. Isn’t that the most iconic thing, freedom?

Freedom is also about accessibility, right? Have your experiences with MS and mobility shaped your view on accessibility in fashion?

Ultimately, it has to come down to style. I think the fact that all body types are so different, and finally being acknowledged and not shamed—ability, size, shape, they’re all getting so much more respect. I mean, from the ’90s to the early aughts, there was so much shame if you weren’t a certain body type. It was like, only certain bodies were allowed to be “cool.” Now we know cool is what we bring to it…and obviously, “accessible” style is just style. But let’s not kid ourselves, accessible fashion is something that still deserves a bigger space and bigger focus. I hope that is something I can work on in my future, because as I’m getting older, and I use a cane, or I use my [service] dog, I have to get creative with ways that make me still feel vibrant, or acknowledge the strength in vulnerability, instead of feeling squashed. Any time we do anything that might have felt left behind by the fashion industry, that makes me really hopeful. Obviously, I hope this campaign can help make others feel more hopeful for that, too.

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You’ve had an iconic career in fashion and film. It’s hard to believe that The Sweetest Thing came out 20 years ago. You went from being a Gap employee to being a character who gets caught with a guy in the mall.

Oh my god. The dressing room scene was my favorite. It was my favorite. That was that was the day after my birthday [and] I was so tired that day. But I remember being so excited to shoot that scene, because it was raunchy, and, you know, back then, girls didn’t ever get to drive the narrative of “sexy” scenes. In Sweetest Thing, we did, and we were unashamed! To this day, I am so proud of that. Like, why wouldn’t we be excited about sex, and talking about sex, and having some really funny moments surrounding sex? Also, I really do have bad TMJ.

Oh no. Were you in actual pain during that scene?!

It was more, like, I had a lot of empathy, you know? So we were shooting the penis-in-mouth thing—we used a banana—but filming a movie scene takes all day. So it’s like, eight hours with a banana in my mouth, which is a lot! So when I was crying in the scene from TMJ? I was really crying, because I was so locked in. But I remember Johnny Messner was really sweet about it. I mean, I had to be grinding on his sweaty groin with a banana in my mouth under the lights, just staring at him and crying for hours. And I love that we did that! [Laughs.]

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I love that you did too.

It feels amazing that women made a comedy about sex where we were the ones making the jokes. I mean, Cameron [Diaz] and Christina [Applegate] were the coolest people on the planet. I could not believe I was working with them. Christina and I, you know, we’ve gone through a lot together; we’re still very close…and I love Cameron so much. She’s gorgeous, incredible, fun, generous, all of it. So when I look back on The Sweetest Thing, those are happy days. There was no grief for me on that path. It was a blast.

Let’s pivot to wellness for a second. You’ve talked a lot about cold-water swimming as part of your physical and mental recovery. But taking that first jump into cold water is hard. How do you make yourself do something you know is going to hurt, even though it also helps?

Ugh, I know what you mean. And even when you say, “It hurts the first seconds, but once you’re in it for two minutes, you’ll see what it can do and you’ll feel so good!” it’s just hard. The first time I took an ice bath, it hurt so much and I hated it so much, I literally cried and cried. I slept so well that night, but I never got into an ice bath again. Instead, I’ll get into a pool that’s like 50 degrees. I don’t heat my pool anymore; I just jump in. It’s been so amazing for my body and my mind. And the first few times you do it, you just have to remember, it’s okay to scream. Let yourself scream, just as long as you’re doing it anyway.

This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity.

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Jennifer Lopez Shares Georgia Wedding Details and Photos

Jennifer Lopez is ready to tell all (she wants to, anyway) about her three-day Georgia wedding to Ben Affleck. The singer sent out a new On the JLo newsletter, featuring select photos of her and Affleck from the ceremony and details on all the festivities, from ceremony to reception to day-after brunch.

She wrote that Affleck used the line, “This is heaven. Right Here. We’re in it now,” during his wedding speech and that despite rain and some unexpected incidents during the celebration, Lopez believed their official wedding for family and friends would be perfect.

“The truth is, I never had one doubt,” she wrote. “All week I felt the calm and easy certainty that we were in God’s hands…”

The sky cleared just in time for the ceremony, “and, at long-last, I started my walk down the stairs that would become the aisle that would lead me toward the rest of my life. Ahhhhh…it was actually happening…” Lopez recalled.

On the JLo/John Russo

“Ben and I talked about Marc Cohn’s ‘True Companion’ as the perfect wedding love song in this very house more than twenty years ago,” she continued. “Though Ben didn’t know, I asked Marc to surprise him by singing it at our wedding and he was lovely and generous to come. As I walked down the aisle, the first song he played wasn’t ‘True Companion’ however. It was his ‘The Things We’ve Handed Down’—a song about the wonderful mystery of children—something we could only guess at back then, but it was the perfect choice as our five children preceded me on the walk. The twenty years between those dreams of youth and the adult world of love and family we embraced that day, brought more to this marriage than either of us ever could have imagined. We weren’t only marrying one another; we were marrying these children into a new family. They were the only people we asked to stand up for us in our wedding party. To our great honor and joy, each one did.”

“As the eldest of our children finished her walk, Marc began ‘True Companion,’ a song we first listened to together what seemed both like yesterday and forever ago—and life came, strangely, beautifully, mysteriously, divinely full-circle,” Lopez reflected.

“Later Ben told me that the chords of the song and seeing Marc Cohn both shocked him and allowed him to feel the way both roads we had walked found their way, inevitably, inexorably, and perfectly together,” she continued. “And when he saw me appear at the top of the stairs that moment it both made absolute sense while seeming still impossibly hard to believe, like the best dream, where all you want is never to awaken. I would have had many of the same thoughts probably had I not been focusing so hard on not tripping over my dress, but when I got close enough to see his face, it made the same wonderful sense to me. Some old wounds were healed that day and the weight of the past finally lifted off our shoulders. Full-circle—and not at all the way we planned it. Better.”

Lopez teased that she would send decor details out in future emails (she designed it, and “the vibes were down-home, rustic country-chic”). Photos shared in her email showcased reception fireworks and different table setting styles, from all white and green for the wedding to different shades of pink for the rehearsal dinner. You can subscribe to see everything On the JLo.

Images that Lopez shared of the couple’s rehearsal dinner.

On the JLo

Photos of Lopez and Affleck’s reception.

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Ariana Grande Goes Retro In a Black Prada Bandage Top With Green Checkered A-Line Skirt

Ariana Grande was recently promoting her new makeup line R.E.M. beauty, which is currently selling at Ulta Beauty and Selfridges. On August 26, she posted some photos and a short video of herself leaving the famous London department store wearing a fun vintage-style look from Prada.

She wore a black bandeau top that left her shoulders and abs bare, which she paired with an A-line skirt in a green checkered pattern that swept down to her ankles. The skirt is from Prada’s spring/summer 2022 collection. Co-creative directors Miuccia Prada and Raf Simons want the pieces to have a modern appeal while playing with the dressy cuts of more historical looks.

Under the hem, Grande wore a pair of black pumps to complete the entire ensemble’s hint of glamour. In the video, she is carrying one of the well-known yellow Selfridges bag and approaches an SUV with an ad for her makeup line printed on the door. In a carousel of pics on her timeline, she showed off the look, turning to flash her shoulder tattoo to the camera.

Grande had her brunette locks swept back into a ponytail with a side part and some long soft bangs along one side of her face. She kept her makeup very natural, with light eyeshadow and a nude lip.

The singer and actress has been working on the film adaptation of the musical Wicked and promoting her line, but that doesn’t mean a new album is off the table. While posting about her R.E.M. line in late July, a fan on TikTok warned the pop icon, “Pls remember you’re a singer.”

Grande responded, writing in a comment, “I have actually never felt more at home in my voice or like more of a singer.”

Though she’s clearly comfortable standing up for herself, Grande took a moment to thank the other fans who defended her, writing back, “Love u so much.”

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20 Best Hair Growth Shampoos—Shampoo Products to Prevent Hair Loss and Thinning Hair

Christian Vierig

It can feel completely devastating to realize your hair is thinning or falling out. Too many of us experience this, and it can happen to anyone–for a myriad of reasons. Unfortunately, there can be a lot of shame around the issue, making it harder to get information about how to treat hair loss. If you want to re-grow patchy sections, add density to thin hair, or you simply want to take preventative measures, hair growth shampoos can actually help.

Depending on what’s causing your hair loss, consulting with a doctor, trichologist, or dermatologist is always a good first step. Here, we’ve consulted some of the best minds to find out which are the best shampoos that can improve hair growth and density. Ahead, shop 20 of the best hair growth shampoos available.

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Best For Hair Growth

Biotin Shampoo for Hair Growth B-Complex Formula


Best For Hair Loss

Growth Stimulating & Anti Hair Loss Shampoo


Best Hair Growth Set

Strengthen, Grow & Restore Shampoo and Conditioner Set


Best Hair Growth System

System 4 Hair Care Kit


Best For Scalp Care

Deep Scalp Hair Therapy and Follicle Stimulation Tonic


Best For No-Breakage

Scalp Stimulating Shampoo


Best For Everyday Use

Original Gold Label Anti-Hair Thinning Shampoo


Best For Damaged Hair

Resistance Length Strengthening Shampoo


Best For Growing New Hair

Hair Surge Caffeine Hair Recovery Stimulating Shampoo


Best For Thin Hair

Advanced Full Density Thickening Shampoo


Best For Cell Turnover

Argan Stem Cell Age Defying Shampoo


Best Biotin Shampoo

Biotin Shampoo and Treatment Conditioner


Best For Dry Hair

NaturalTech Nourishing Shampoo


Best For Curly Hair

Goddess Fortifying Shampoo


Best Volumizing Shampoo

Blossom & Bloom Ginseng + Biotin Volumizing Shampoo


Best For Dandruff

Anti-Dandruff Shampoo


Best For Quick Results

F.A.S.T Fortified Amino Scalp Therapy Shampoo & Conditioner


Best For Natural Hair

Renewing Shampoo


Best Drugstore Pick

Thick & Full Biotin & Collagen Shampoo


Best For Sensitive Scalps

Moisturize & Grow Aloe Vera & Cucumber Clarifying Micellar Shampoo

What causes hair loss?

Hair loss is more common than you think and can happen to anyone. According to Dr. Eric Schweiger of Schweiger Dermatology Group in NYC, causes range from “androgenetic, or hormone-related hair loss, stress-related hair loss, also called telogen effluvium, and dandruff. Medications, vitamin deficiencies, thyroid disorders, excess styling, and autoimmune disorders can also cause hair loss and thinning.”

How does hair growth shampoo work?

When it comes to a hair growth shampoo, you have two options: prescriptions or over-the-counter treatments. Prescription shampoos like ketoconazole are “anti-androgenetic,” which means they prevent two hormones associated with triggering hair loss from activating—testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT)—by “targeting hair growth at the site of the follicle and helping to interrupt the hormone cycle locally that causes thinning,” Schweiger explains.

Does shampoo help hair growth?

Cosmetic chemist Ron Robinson of BeautyStat says that shampoos can help to improve hair growth, but not single-handedly. “Because shampoos are rinsed out shortly after they are applied, the ingredients are not staying on the scalp long enough to make a significant impact on their own.” However, Schweiger points out that there are other benefits to shampoos that can assist with hair growth. in the long run. “Over-the-counter growth shampoos typically contain amino acids and antioxidants to provide the components to rebuild hair as well as reduce damage and inflammation,” Schweiger adds.

What should you look for in a hair growth shampoo?

Krupa Koestline, cosmetic chemist and founder of KKT Consultants, notes that when shopping for a hair growth shampoo, some ingredients have proven benefits in hair growth stimulation: zinc, keratin, procyanidin B2, biotin, ginseng, caffeine, peppermint, arginine, amino acids like cysteine and tyrosine, vegetable proteins from wheat or soy, and tri-copper peptides. If you think over-the-counter hair loss shampoos are for you or just want to promote growth and strength, Schwieger also backs these ingredients as effective and cautions against using shampoo with parabens, sulfates, and fragrances, which can irritate hair and reduce moisture. Additionally, Robinson says that ingredients like salicylic acid that exfoliate the scalp and improve blood flow, and biotin, which may nourish the hair follicles, can also be beneficial in a hair growth shampoo.

Can natural ingredients help grow hair?

Board-certified hair loss expert and surgeon Dr. Wiliam Yates recommends gentle ingredients that don’t strip the hair and preserve the integrity of the hair shaft to help prevent breakage. “My patients report improved hair growth natural ingredients like pumpkin seed extract, yucca root extract, saw palmetto, algae, horsetail, and green tea extract,” says Yates. He also notes that biotin and rosemary oil show promise as natural ingredients in hair products to promote hair health and growth.

What’s the difference between regular shampoo and a hair growth shampoo?

“Hair growth-promoting shampoos are specifically designed with follicle-stimulating actives and antioxidants while maintaining optimal scalp health,” says Koestline. Whereas traditional shampoos are formulated for different hair types and focus more on the hair itself and not the scalp. And remember, hair growth is a slow process, and everyone is different. Dr. Nava Greenfield of Schweiger Dermatology Group recommends that you try a product out for three to four months before determining whether it is effective. “Take before and after photos since the change may be too gradual to notice,” Greenfield adds.

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‘Wednesday’ on Netflix Release Date, Cast, News and Spoilers

Gomez and Morticia Addams’s demon spawn—sorry, daughter—is finally getting the spotlight she deserves. Wednesday Addams, the death-obsessed teen whose idea of a lazy summer Friday involves electrocuting her brother, is headed to Netflix later this year, with You actress Jenna Ortega in the lead role. Judging by the new teaser, Netflix is going all-in on the macabre delights of everyone’s favorite goth. That’s no surprise given that Tim Burton is attached to direct; based on his previous work, we have a good idea of the show’s grim-meets-kooky aesthetic.

Wednesday, billed by Netflix as “a sleuthing, supernaturally infused mystery,” will follow the Addams’s only daughter as she attends the boarding school Nevermore Academy, where she juggles her newfound psychic powers and a supernatural murder mystery connected to her own family. Ahead, everything we know about Wednesday’s solo treatment.

When will the show come out?

Although an official release date has yet to be announced, Netflix revealed the series will arrive in “fall 2022.” Given the theme, we suspect October.

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Who’s in the cast?

Apart from Ortega in the lead role, Netflix has announced a number of other exciting cast additions:

  • Catherine Zeta-Jones will appear throughout the series as Morticia, the Addams family matriarch and Wednesday’s mother.
  • Victor Dorobantu will play Thing, the severed hand and servant seen in the teaser trailer.
  • George Burcea will play Lurch, the towering family manservant.
  • Isaac Ordonez will play Gomez and Morticia’s son, Pugsley.
  • Luis Guzmán will guest star as Gomez, the Addams family patriarch and Wednesday’s father.
  • Other actors with as-yet-unannounced roles include Gwendoline Christie, Jamie McShane, Emma Myers, Percy Hynes White, Moosa Mostafa, Thora Birch, Hunter Doohan, Riki Lindhome, Joy Sunday, Georgie Farmer, and Naomi Ogawa.
  • Christina Ricci, who played Wednesday in the early ’90s films The Addams Family and Addams Family Values, will also appear in an undisclosed role.

Jenna Ortega as Wednesday Addams.


What is Wednesday based on?

Like the films, TV series, and theatrical adaptations before it, Wednesday is based partly on the New Yorker cartoons first introduced by Charles Addams in 1938, further popularized in the 1960s by the sitcom adaptation The Addams Family. Based on the latter’s success, the family’s misadventures quickly became a franchise: A cartoon series arrived in the 1970s, followed by The Addams Family live-action movie in 1991, for which a sequel, Addams Family Values, landed in 1993. Both live-action and animated versions of the family continued the legacy, and then a 2010 Broadway musical, The Addams Family Musical, arrived to lackluster critical reception. Finally, two animated films were released in 2019 and 2021. This large canon serves as the backbone of Wednesday.

Will there be more than one season?

No word yet from Netflix, but given the buzz around Wednesday’s launch, there’s a solid chance it’ll be a hit—and in that case, expect season 2 news forthcoming.

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‘Never Have I Ever’ Season 4 Release Date, News, Cast, and Trailer

The beloved Netflix series that catapulted Maitreyi Ramakrishnan into teen stardom is nearing its end: According to Ramakrishnan herself, the cast finished filming the fourth and final season. On August 3, 2022, the actress tweeted, “we wrapped filming!! It’s all done! I feel so grateful and overwhelmed with emotions.” In a profile with ELLE, she shared that finishing the series that took her from a real Canadian high school to the fictional Sherman Oaks set was bittersweet. “It’s like your first dog,” she said. “It doesn’t mean I’ll love the other dogs less. But Never Have I Ever will always be the first one.”

The show, created by Mindy Kaling and Lang Fisher, follows Indian-American teenager Devi Vishwakumar (Ramakrishnan) throughout her high school years, meaning the final season is expected to take place as Devi prepares for graduation. With season 3 having just arrived on Netflix, here’s what we know about the fourth and final chapter.

When will season 4 come out?

Deadline reports that the final season is expected in 2023. Given that season 4 has already wrapped filming, the last hurrah could arrive as early as next spring.

Why will season 4 be the show’s last?

Erin Underhill, president of Universal Television, gave a simple explanation as to why the show wouldn’t stretch beyond a four-season arc: High school isn’t, in fact, forever. “Four seasons of Never Have I Ever is truly exciting and a little bittersweet because, as a loyal fan, I’d love Devi’s journey to go on forever,” she said in a statement. “But just like high school, all great things must come to an end…We can’t wait to experience all of the messiness, the LOLs and the tears that will surely unfold in Devi’s senior year.”

Kaling and Fisher added that Never Have I Ever will be far from their last series. (Kaling’s raunchy dramedy The Sex Lives of College Girls is already a hit over on HBO Max). Said the pair, “We can’t wait to reveal all the steamy romance and hilarious adventures we have in store for you. Thanks to all our fans for your support.”

For her part, Ramakrishnan thanked audiences and promised to give the series finale her “all.” In a note posted to her social media, the lead actress said, “I am so proud of us all and everything this show has accomplished….Let’s do this one more time, yeah?”

Who will be in the cast?

Expect the usual players in season 4. Ramakrishnan, Jaren Lewison, Darren Barnet, Poorna Jagannathan, Ben Norris and other favorites are all confirmed to help stick the landing, with Lewison teasing to ELLE that the final season is “perfect.” “I think the way the writers approached this fourth season has been with such care and with such tenacious and meticulous planning that I think we all feel comforted by the fact that it was a perfect sendoff,” he said. “This fourth season is perfect.”

However, not everyone is set to return: Anirudh Pisharody, who played Devi’s new boyfriend, Des, in season 3, told People his character will not appear in the final chapter.

Who will win, Team Ben or Team Paxton?

The question of who will walk away with Devi’s heart has remained one of Never Have I Ever’s most pertinent since the beginning of season 1, with Barnet’s Paxton Hall-Yoshida and Lewison’s Ben Gross gathering vocal supporters in each of their corners. While Ramakrishnan remains staunchly “Team Devi”—and a new love interest in season 3 adds some extra drama to the mix—Fisher confirmed to ELLE that season 4 ends with a winner. “There is a choice. [Devi] makes a choice…The winner wins,” she says “The only problem with it is—now I’m learning, as we’re making season 4—I’m like, ‘One team is going to be real mad at me.’”

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Who is Bobby Wooten III

Katie Holmes and her new boyfriend Bobby Wooten III appeared on the red carpet together on Thursday, May 26. They were attending The Moth’s 25th Anniversary gala, The Silver Ball, held at Spring Studios in New York City. The 43-year-old Dawson’s Creek star stepped out with the 33-year-old Grammy nominee, getting affectionate in front of the cameras.

Ilya S. Savenok//Getty Images

Holmes was wearing a long-sleeved orange gown with black patent leather heels, and carried a small black clutch with a gold frame. Her hair was loosely pulled back and she accessorized with dangling diamond drop earrings. Wooten wore a blue suit over a button-down black shirt, and a pair of black boots with a few silver rings on his hand.

Dimitrios Kambouris//Getty Images

Now that things are “red carpet official,” here’s everything we know about Bobby Wooten III, Katie Holmes’ new boyfriend.

Who is Bobby Wooten III?

Wooten grew up in Chicago, a midwesterner like Holmes, who is native to Toledo. The musician and composer is playing bass in Moulin Rouge! The Musical on Broadway at the moment, but he seems to have projects and performances popping up everywhere. At this year’s Coachella, Wooten performed with Carly Rae Jepsen, he was nominated for a Grammy Award, and is also an adjunct instructor at NYU Tisch School of the Arts.

A source told People that Wooten is “an amazing guy, very kind, super talented and just an all-around cool guy. He’s a highly accomplished bassist and musician, and is as chill and brilliant and funny as they come.”

Wooten was invited to The Moth’s Silver Ball because he worked with singer-songwriter David Byrne on the Broadway recording of American Utopia. Byrne was the evening’s honoree, and Wooten presented him with the award.

Wooten told Us Weekly, “I’m happy to have (Katie) here as my date.”

How did Bobby Wooten and Katie Holmes meet?

A source close to Holmes told E! News in early May that they were introduced through friends, adding that their relationship is “working well.”

“Katie is excited about seeing someone and is very happy,” they said. “She enjoys having someone in her life and he is very kind and good to her.”

Rumors of their relationship started in April, when they were seen kissing outside the subway while on their way to the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, where they kissed before heading inside, Us Weekly reports. It had been about a year since Holmes was romantically connected to anyone after breaking it off with chef Emilio Vitolo Jr., who she dated for a few months.

Holmes has said in the past that her priority is raising her daughter, 16-year-old Suri Cruise, who she shares with her ex-husband, Tom Cruise.

“My child is the most important person to me, and her upbringing is paramount to my work right now,” Holmes told Town & Country in 2017. “It’s very important that I’m present and she has a stable, innocent childhood. I feel so blessed to do what I do, but there’s nothing in the world better than watching your child succeed.”

When were Katie Holmes and Bobby Wooten last seen together?

On August 6, Holmes and Wooten were out in New York City again walking hand-in-hand through Washington Square Park. Holmes was wearing a tan jumpsuit with a halter neckline and a cinched waist over a pair of black sneakers. She left a her long brunette hair down and wore a pair of gold hoop earrings. Wooten wore a grey t-shirt with khakis and black leather shoes, and carried a canvas tote bag over one shoulder. This was two months after their debut on the red carpet at the Moth’s Silver Ball where Wooten presented singer-songwriter David Byrne with an award.

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‘Batgirl’ Guide to Release Date, Cast News, and Spoilers

It’s almost as if Leslie Grace was destined to end up in Gotham.

The In the Heights star and Latin pop singer didn’t grow up reading DC comics or watching superhero shows, but she and her childhood best friend nicknamed themselves after the caped crusader and his sidekick. “We always got into trouble as kids, so we started calling each other Batman and Robin,” she previously told ELLE.com. So when she learned she was cast as Batgirl (amid a tight race for the coveted role), her BFF knew it felt like fate. “[She] was like ‘All this time, we’ve been manifesting this,’” Grace said.

A standalone Batgirl film has been in the works with Warner Bros. and DC since 2017, and Grace’s casting was announced in 2021. However, a year later, the film has been scrapped just months away from release. Here’s what we know.

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Why did Batgirl get scrapped?

Batgirl was expected to arrive sometime in 2022 on HBO Max, but on Aug. 2, reports broke, initially from The New York Post, that Warner Bros. wouldn’t be releasing the film at all, theatrically or online.

Per The Hollywood Reporter, “The unusual move comes after a change in leadership at Warners, with newly installed Warner Bros. Discovery CEO David Zaslav prioritizing on cost-cutting measures and refocusing Warners on theatrical films rather than creating projects straight for streaming, as had been a priority for former WarnerMedia CEO Jason Kilar.”

The film—with a reported budget of $80 million and actual costs nearing $90 million due to COVID protocols—had already finished shooting, THR reports. Sources told the outlet that costly projects made only for streaming don’t align with the company’s new strategy.

The Wrap reported earlier that, according to insiders, the studio heads decided Batgirl simply didn’t work, even with reshoots and an increased budget. The new management is “committed to making DC titles big theatrical event films, and ‘Batgirl’ isn’t that,” per The Wrap. However, the studio reportedly loves Grace and the film’s directors, and want to work with them in the future.

And according to Variety, “Studio insiders insist the decision was not driven by the quality of the film or the commitment of the filmmakers, but by the desire for the studio’s slate of DC features to be at a blockbuster scale. ‘Batgirl’ was budgeted to screen in homes on HBO Max, and not for a major global release in theaters.” (For reference, the Robert Pattinson-starring Batman, which released primarily in theaters, cost $185 million.)

Still, as the outlet points out, it’s surprising to see the studio drop Batgirl entirely rather than try to make up for some of the costs with a smaller release.

What is Batgirl about?

The film was meant to follow Barbara Gordon, daughter of Gotham’s police commissioner (and famous Batman ally) James Gordon, taking the alias of Batgirl. Grace also teased a bit of Barbara’s story to ELLE.com:

“I can’t say much about what she is going to do, but Batgirl becomes her own hero. [Her origin story] is crazy dark, like a lot of other superheroes, but I like that she becomes Batgirl because she wants to make a difference in the world. She feels like people underestimate her as Barbara Gordon, and I relate to that.”

The actress also hinted at some of the stunt work she’d be doing in the role, speaking to Variety: “There’s crazy fire. There’s crazy stunts, crazy drops. She’s a biker chick, so you’re going to see her do a bunch of badassery.”

This marks the third onscreen iteration of the caped superheroine, per The Hollywood Reporter. She debuted on TV in 1961 as Betty Kane (played by Yvonne Craig) then appeared again in the 1997 Batman & Robin film (starring Alicia Silverstone as Barbara Wilson).

Who’s in the cast?

Michael Keaton was set to make his grand return as Batman. J. K. Simmons, who played Commissioner James Gordon in Justice League, was going to reprise his role too.

Mummy star Brendan Fraser had joined as the pyromaniac supervillain Firefly, Deadline reported in October. And Jacob Scipio, breakout star of Bad Boys for Life, was also onboard as mobster Anthony “Tony” Bressi.

Adil El Arbi and Bilall Fallah (Bad Boys For Life) were directing, Christina Hodson (Birds of Prey) wrote the script, and Kristin Burr (Cruella) was producing. Joss Whedon had initially signed on to write and direct the film before dropping out in 2018.

Leslie Grace has shared a sneak peek at her Batgirl costume.

On January 14, Grace shared a shot of herself in the Batgirl costume, standing against a Gotham building backdrop. The suit has a blue cast to it, a gold utility belt, what looks like a weapon strapped to her thigh, and a short cape lined with yellow. Grace’s hair flows free in the wind behind her.

She captioned the image, “‘I use their expectations against them. That will be their weakness. Not mine. Let them all underestimate me…And when their guard is down, and their pride is rising, let me kick their butts.’ – Batgirl, Year One.”

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This story has been updated.

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