Capricorn Monthly Horoscope – Capricorn Horoscope for March 2023 From the AstroTwins

Capricorn Monthly Horoscope – Capricorn Horoscope for March 2023 From the AstroTwins


Spring fever is about to catch fire for you, Capricorn! But will it be someone new, the one you’re with, or…a person from your past? With the Sun in Taurus heating up your passionate and pleasure-seeking fifth house until May 21, you could have your pick of admirers. But Mercury retrograde in Taurus until May 14 can cross a few wires (drama alert!) or even reignite an old flame. Proceed with caution but don’t write it off as a possibility if the last attempt was simply a matter of bad timing.

Not that you shouldn’t keep your options open, Cap. This May 16, lucky Jupiter will pivot into Taurus and your romantic, creative fifth house for a full year (until May 25, 2024), drawing attention to your talents and magnetism. So do yourself a favor and don’t settle for “meh” options in the first half of the month before Jupiter’s doors open. The May 19 Taurus new moon will kick this energy into even higher gear.

Other noteworthy dates this month? On May 1, transformational Pluto will begin its annual five-month retrograde, which will last through October 10. Until June 11, Pluto will reverse through Aquarius and your money house, challenging any limiting beliefs about your net worth AND your self-worth. After that, Pluto will dip back into Capricorn for the remainder of its retrograde. You may decide to slip behind the scenes a bit to polish up your act, maybe working with a media coach or an expert in your field to get you ready for prime time.

The May 5 Scorpio lunar eclipse could bring a turning point to your friendships or a collaboration. You may suddenly and dramatically part ways with a team—or be invited out of the blue to become a member of a coveted group. When energizer Mars moves into Leo and your joint-ventures zone from May 20 until July 10, some real power players could come into your orbit. Sizzling Mars in this scintillating and sexy sector might amplify Jupiter’s impact in your love zone, making you outright irresistible—and put you in the mood for love.

If you need to distract yourself from all of this heat, get busy with a project. When the Sun moves into Gemini for a month on May 21, it will heat up your sixth house of work and wellness. You might channel some of that energy into a spring fitness regimen or putting a solid plan behind one of your big ventures.

It’s Taurus season until May 21

First, the good news: The Sun is blazing through Taurus and your fifth house of passion, creativity and joie de vivre until May 21. The muse inspires you to go full-throttle on an artistic project and carve out more time to take in other people’s creativity. Romance falls under the fifth house domain, and spring fever has awakened! You could also attract the spotlight during this attention-grabbing solar cycle.

But wait…there IS such a thing as bad publicity, at least when Mercury is also retrograde. Alas, the planet of communication, technology and travel will be back-spinning through this same expressive sector of your chart, driving up the ldrama until May 14. An ex could resurface, or you might find yourself on frenemy terms with a challenging person once again. You’ll need to keep your own pride in check as ego-driven outbursts will NOT win you fans or friends. Instead of engaging in these time-wasting antics, use Mercury retrograde to revisit an old talent or creative project or to repair a bond that’s turned into a power struggle.

Pluto turns retrograde in Aquarius on May 1

Financial shifts: incoming! Transformational Pluto begins its annual five-month retrograde on May 1, in effect until October 10. Until June 11, Pluto will back through Aquarius and your financial house, turning your attention to income and security matters. Have you lapsed into a scarcity mindset? Some ancient fears around money and security are ready to be excavated. Are you entangled in a work project that’s draining your energy, time and resources? Start digging your way out of that hole, stat.

Pluto rules the underworld—as above, so below—and what it manifests can be a reflection of something buried in your unconscious, a hidden “blind spot” you can unearth. During Pluto retrograde, financial challenges could be a reflection of your internal state—and they’ll shift when you identify your own blocks and fears around abundance. If you find yourself at odds with a difficult client, coworker or employee, don’t attack the messenger. Any setback or temporary financial shortage is a wake-up call to face your fears and insecurities head-on. Perhaps there’s a whole new chapter waiting to unfurl itself.

After June 11, Pluto will reverse into Capricorn, shuffling back and forth twice before returning to Aquarius in November 2024 “for keeps”—well, for the next 20 years (yes, really!). Though you’re not ready to shed the icy dwarf just yet, after next November, you won’t host it again in this lifetime. 

The May 5 Scorpio lunar eclipse catalyzes collaboration

Time for a new crew—or a revolution in the ranks? On May 5, a lunar eclipse and Scorpio full moon illuminates your eleventh house of teamwork and technology. If you’re searching for a date to launch a new website or digital endeavor, this one could be a winner! Make a splashy social media announcement or send out an email blast. Work all the channels to let the world know what you’re up to, Capricorn. Caution: With Mercury retrograde until May 14, make sure to test and re-test several times, or book a “soft launch” today then a bigger one when Mercury turns direct.

A group project you’ve been working on over the last year and a half could come together today or over the next two weeks. Have you been toying with the idea of a collaboration or thinking of ways you could better the world? This idealistic eclipse stokes your inner activist, so anything with a social justice bent could inspire others to get onboard. 

This is the final Scorpio eclipse in a series that’s rippled across the Taurus/Scorpio axis since November 2021, revolutionizing your approach to group dynamics and solo stardom. Has your creative light had a big enough stage to shine on? And enough support from your communities to bring it forth? Explore these questions at today’s eclipse.

Mercury retrograde is finally over May 14

At last! Today, Mercury powers forward after a challenging retrograde that began on April 21, foiling technology, communication and travel for everyone. Now as Mercury corrects course in Taurus and your outspoken, expansive ninth house, you can safely pursue some of those big visionary ideas you’ve been forced to back-burner. Been waiting to have an honest conversation with someone? Set up a time to talk openly—preferably in a neutralclass=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” location (outdoors a plus!). Heads up: Mercury’s “retroshade” shadow phase will linger until June 1, nagging at us with some lingering after-effects. Continue to apply a few extra filters to your posts and conversations until then.

Big day! Jupiter enters Taurus for a year on May 16

This month’s cosmic headliner is Jupiter, which shifts gears for the first time in more than a year on May 16, exiting Aries for a 12-month stint in Taurus. Since May 10, 2022, Jupiter’s been in your domestic fourth house, deepening your roots and bonds. You may have been spent the last year focused on home, family and personal issues. Even if you traveled a lot, you probably kept to yourself and a tight-knit circle. Women especially have played an important role. This was a foundational time, meant for establishing a secure financial and emotional base.

Now Jupiter hosts a cosmic coming-out party as it barrels into Taurus and your passionate fifth house of self-expression, creativity and love until May 25, 2024. Lights, camera, Capricorn! This sets off your luckiest year in more than a decade for artistic and romantic affairs. Take an adventurous approach to things that once may have scared you!

Enter the muse! Musicians, performers and all “maker” types will enjoy a renaissance during this Jovial golden era. The spotlight will follow you, and shy Sea Goats might need to get used to all the attention you attract. Fame could arrive when you least expect it. The fifth house rules glamour, and you could play with new looks, hairstyles and colors. Jupiter’s last visit to Taurus was from June 2011 to June 2012. Look back to that time for clues of what might resurface now. With entrepreneurial Jupiter at the helm, you may roll the dice on a creative business venture. Take a chance and put your unique stamp on a project or promising venture.

The Taurus new moon is on May 19

The May 19 Taurus new moon is an especially potent day to wear your heart on your sleeve. This new moon will open a six-month window for expressing your emotions and developing a budding attraction into something more. Taurus rules your fifth house of self-expression and fame. Between now and the October 28 Taurus full moon—also a potent lunar eclipse—time spent on your talents and passions will pay off. Fire up the hype machine! If you have to fake it till you make it just a smidge, so be it.

The fifth house rules fertility, so for Caps with bambinos on the brain, consider this new moon a great “practice” date. Got an artistic talent to share with the world? At the new moon, you might seek representation by an agent or find an outlet for putting your gifts on display at a gallery or a performance space or by getting your writing published.

The May 20 Mars-Pluto opposition gets fierce

A work-related matter could reach a boiling point on May 20, when hotheaded Mars blazes into Leo and your eighth house of intense emotions. The tricky part? Mars will immediately lock into its biennial opposition to power-tripping Pluto, which is now in Aquarius and your second house of money and self-worth. Negotiations could get heated around a joint venture or shared project. While you may want a certain result (a set amount of money or certain items on your terms), are there bargaining chips you haven’t thought of, Sag? Perhaps you can leverage other perks to make up for what the other party won’t budge on.

Under this Mars-Pluto face-off, you’re likely to have tunnel vision, if not be outright obsessed with a goal. Maybe you’ve invested a lot of time and energy into something and don’t want to bow out before reaping the rewards. But are you doggedly holding on at your own expense instead of cutting your losses?

Limiting beliefs could surface, bringing up old insecurities. You may feel a surge of jealousy toward a nemesis or rival. Instead of looking over your shoulder, examine what’s underneath that competitive flareup. Maybe you just need to give yourself permission to be big and bold too. Come out of hiding—and just “do you”!

Gemini season starts May 21

You’ll have a chance to ground yourself and get your affairs in order starting May 21, when the Sun starts a monthlong trip to Gemini and your systematic sixth house of wellness and organization. If you haven’t kicked off a spring cleanup or fitness regimen, you’ll be inspired to declutter, start eating healthily and moving more. Streamline your workspace, plant a kitchen window box with fresh herbs, and scale back your schedule where it’s overcommitted. Follow the Capricorn “less is more” tenet, and your stress levels will thank you!

Bring on the dynamic duets! With lusty and assertive Mars in Cancer and your partnership sector this month (March 25 to May 20), you won’t be able to avoid the subject of relationships. Nor will single Caps be able to park on the sidelines and pretend you’re not interested. Even if you haven’t met anyone appealing in a while, this May is prime dating season for you! The Sun is in Taurus and your frisky, flirtatious fifth house until May 21, and on May 16, lucky Jupiter will start a yearlong trek through this passionate zone of your chart. The only drawback is that Mercury is retrograde in Taurus until May 14, which could create drama and miscommunications. Circle the May 19 Taurus new moon as a powerful portal into love!

Back to Mars in Cancer: The red-blooded planet hasn’t visited this area of life in two years, so strike while the iron is blazing hot. Just try not to rush into anything before you really know what you’re dealing with. Mars has a funny way of turning cold as quickly as it heats up. Enjoy the ride, but no monogramming any towels just yet, okay?

Since Mars dials up the passion as much as the drama, couples may fight more or feel unusually jealous or possessive. But rather than giving in to lower-vibe expressions of these emotions, redirect the energy toward physical outlets. Yes, that could cue the obvious orders to settle your differences in the bedroom. A rigorous hike, workout or dance-floor session will also do! If there is something you simply NEED to verbalize, run it by a levelheaded friend first so you can “offload” some of the anger before you talk.

Venus will join the party on May 7, hunkering down in Cancer and your harmonious seventh house for the rest of the month. This can bring you back on the same page and rekindle the loving flames. New relationships can ignite into veritable bonfires, and single Caps could have a lively time doing laps in the dating pool.

From May 20 to July 10, Mars will sear through Leo and your intimate, erotic eighth house. While this can turn up the boudoir temps, it can also amplify jealousy and possessiveness. Your normally unflappable emotions could heat up fast, so make sure to have a few good outlets for channeling your feelings when vulnerability strikes without warning.

Team up for the win! Until May 20, ambitious Mars is visiting Cancer and your seventh house of partnership, where it’s been since March 25. You could be presented with an exciting offer, though fast-paced Mars might also ramp up the pressure to commit. With Mercury retrograde until May 14, there’s even more chance of crossed wires. Hold people off long enough to conduct due diligence—if you’re gonna do this, you want to know what you’re getting yourself into! Just know that you may have to strike while the iron is hot. Don’t vacillate so long that you miss a great opportunity.

When in doubt, run it by your wisest crew members. They could come through like champions at the May 5 Scorpio lunar eclipse, which beams into your eleventh house of friendship and teamwork. A budding collaboration might come together and, since the eleventh house rules technology, you could make a splash on social media or with a digital launch. 

Looking for gigs or in search of a specialist? Crowdsource both IRL and online. When the Sun moves into Gemini and your administrative sixth house on May 21, the rest of the month is about crossing items off your to-do list again. As every step gets you closer and closer to your goals, celebrate each milestone. Helpful people fall under this zodiac house. Practice your delegating skills and reach out for assistance if your load becomes too great to bear.

Love Days: 19, 22

Money Days: 30, 11

Luck Days: 27, 9

Off Days: 20, 25, 7

See All Signs

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut (a.k.a. The AstroTwins) are’s resident astrologers. They have written several astrology books, including Momstrology and Supercouple, and star as the astrological matchmakers for Prime Video’s Cosmic Love. The Eduts have read charts for celebrities the likes of Beyoncé, Karlie Kloss, and Emma Roberts. For their spot-on predictions, books, and online courses, check out our horoscopes coverage or visit

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