‘Below Deck Med’ Exclusive Clip: Bri Muller’s Laundry Room “Burn Book” Causes More Drama Between Her And Elena Dubiach
Can you believe Below Deck Mediterranean Season 9 is nearly at the halfway mark? Luckily for us, there’s still plenty more drama in store! While Bosun Iain Maclean must reckon with the fact that he was too hasty in picking his lead deckhand (sorry, Joe Bradley, we love you!), Chief Stew Aesha Scott has a discontented interior team on her hand. Though Chef Johnathan Shillingford seems to be improving in the galley, stews Elena “Ellie” Dubaich and Bri Muller continue to bicker.
Second stew Dubaich has been mentoring third stew Muller in her housekeeping duties, but the two are still jockeying for control of the laundry room. After temporarily losing Captain Sandy Yawn’s laundry in last week’s episode, Muller has vowed to keep better track of what goes in and out of the laundry room by keeping a hand-written dirty clothes log in her notebook. Good idea, right? Wrong, according to Dubaich, who views the notes as more of a “burn book” than a record book.
In this exclusive clip, Dubaich and Scott are in the bar area while Muller is meticulously scribing in the laundry room. “I really appreciate you guys being professional,” says Scott, congratulating Dubiach on her seemingly improved working relationship with Muller. “I just checked out of the drama,” replies Dubaich magnanimously. In her next breath though, Dubiach fully checks into the drama again. “This morning, you sent me to check on laundry and [I] started folding things,” begins Dubaich. “Bri just came in and basically told me to leave ’cause she’s there now.”
As Scott takes in what Dubaich tells her, the editors cut back to what really happened in the laundry room in a flash back. Muller walks in and tells Dubiach simply, “I’ve got washing.” In the present, Dubiach relays to Scott that she said, “I’m just here to help you in washing.” What Dubiach really said (quite nastily) to Muller was, “I’m just doing your job, if that’s okay with you, so please stop chasing me out.”
Dubaich continues: “She literally just stormed out of the laundry room.” However, the tape shows Muller calmly saying “alrighty” and moving to another section of the laundry room as Dubaich herself leaves in a huff. The camera then cuts back to Dubaich speaking to Scott. “I was like, okay, this is really disrespectful the way you’re behaving.”
Trying to defend Muller, Scott says: “well, I know with the laundry, she loses her place if other people go into the laundry.” “Well, I was just folding things,” says Dubiach defensively. “It can’t be only hers because if you’ve got free time then you need to be popping down there,” continues Scott. Emboldened by this, Dubaich spills some laundry room tea. “And then, she starts writing this whole, like, crime list — I saw the notebook.”
“What do you mean, a notebook?” asks Scott. “It was a whole list of crimes I committed in laundry, like ‘Gael’s clothes were found in a washer without color catcher.’” On cue, the editors cut to what Muller’s notebook actually contains– a reminder to herself, which reads “no color catchers with Gael’s load bottom right.”
In her confessional, Scott expresses her frustration with the whole situation. “What do I have to deal with now?” Back at the bar, Scott asks Dubaich: “Where is she writing this down? I should pretend to see it and ask what it is.” Returning to her confessional, Scott reveals her reasoning for the subterfuge. “I just feel like, as a good Chief Stew, I need to really listen and assess both sides before your make any decisions.” “It’s just never-ending bullshit with both of them,” says Scott simply.
Tune in tonight at 9/8c on Bravo to see if Scott can get the bottom of what actually happened between the two stews.
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