Opinion | Asian and Black Communities Have a Long History of Shared Solidarity

Opinion | Asian and Black Communities Have a Long History of Shared Solidarity

Black and Asian communities in America today are often portrayed as in conflict with each other. But we have a long history of organizing with each other, too. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, Asian Americans working as immigrant laborers in the United States were often subjected to racial…

Bitcoin Lightning Network capacity crosses 3900 BTC marking a new ATH

Bitcoin Lightning Network capacity crosses 3900 BTC marking a new ATH

Unwithered by the ongoing bear market, Bitcoin’s (BTC) underlying architecture continues to outperform itself — further securing, decentralizing and speeding up the impenetrable peer-to-peer network. The same holds true for the Bitcoin Lightning Network (LN). The Bitcoin Lightning Network capacity attained an all-time high of 3915.776 BTC as evidenced by data from…

Tournament Players Asked to Follow Absurd Rules and Not Mention Dr Disrespect on Twitch

Tournament Players Asked to Follow Absurd Rules and Not Mention Dr Disrespect on Twitch

A $100,000 tournament hosted by Dr Disrespect had Twitch streamers following some absurd rules to not mention him as he was previously banned from the platform. Full Squad Gaming’s Jake Lucky shared a recap of these Twitch community guidelines that were posted in-house by the organizer of the event, BoomTV….

ISRO Ropes in Doctors to Build Human-Rated Spacecraft for India’s Gaganyaan Mission

ISRO Ropes in Doctors to Build Human-Rated Spacecraft for India’s Gaganyaan Mission

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is taking help of doctors in building its human-rated spacecraft for the Gaganyaan mission, India’s first human spaceflight that aims to take astronauts into a low earth orbit. The ISRO has roped in doctors to understand the impact of the spaceflight on humans and…

Supporting victims of sexual abuse in the Democratic Republic of the Congo — Global Issues

Supporting victims of sexual abuse in the Democratic Republic of the Congo — Global Issues

The eastern DRC has experienced conflict and instability over many years and many people have been forced to flee their homes making them more vulnerable to exploitation. Delu Lusambia is the project manager and coordinator of SYAM, (which stands for Siku ya Mazingira in Kiswahili), a local civil society organization…