The trial of Kwoyelo: Fate of LRA rebel commander divides northern Uganda | Armed Groups

The trial of Kwoyelo: Fate of LRA rebel commander divides northern Uganda | Armed Groups

Gulu, Uganda – At a market in Gulu, northern Uganda, women spread tropical fruit on plastic sheets, calling out to passing customers. The sun is blinding, and the air is thick with the chatter of bargaining shoppers. Distant are the days when children used to sleep under the same market stall…

Which countries are still funding UNRWA amid Israel’s war on Gaza? | Israel War on Gaza News

Which countries are still funding UNRWA amid Israel’s war on Gaza? | Israel War on Gaza News

Philippe Lazzarini, head of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), visited Ireland this week following the country’s decision to pledge 20 million euros (just under $21.5m) in support for the crisis-hit agency. The UNRWA, which provides healthcare, education and other vital services to the Palestinian people, was accused…

RBI Not Planning Harsher Rules to Curb Fintech Sector After Paytm Strictures, Official Says

RBI Not Planning Harsher Rules to Curb Fintech Sector After Paytm Strictures, Official Says

India’s banking regulator doesn’t intend to impose drastic measures on the country’s fintech sector, a senior official said, weeks after it stunned investors by abruptly suspending much of the operations of Paytm Payments Bank, founded by high-flying billionaire Vijay Shekhar Sharma. There are “no harsher measures coming on fintech,” P….

Yemen’s Houthis fire missiles at British oil tanker bound for India | Israel War on Gaza News

Yemen’s Houthis fire missiles at British oil tanker bound for India | Israel War on Gaza News

The Iran-linked group has warned of more attacks on shipping despite sustained US, UK air strikes on Yemen. Yemen’s Iran-aligned Houthi group has claimed a new missile attack on Western interests amid Israel’s war on Gaza, this time on a British oil tanker that the United States identified as a Panamanian-flagged…

‘They killed him’: Was Putin’s critic Navalny murdered? | Vladimir Putin News

‘They killed him’: Was Putin’s critic Navalny murdered? | Vladimir Putin News

In the last known video of Alexey Navalny shot one day before his death on Friday, the lanky, fair-haired 47-year-old looks gaunt and cracks jokes. Navalny was filmed via a video link from the IK-3 penal colony, also known as the Polar Wolf prison, in the Arctic town of Harp…