Aquarius Monthly Horoscope – Aquarius Horoscope for March 2023 From the AstroTwins


Settling in to all the changes yet, Aquarius? There are more to come, but this month you can start to adapt to a few “new normal” settings—or at least slow down for some R+R to integrate it all. Until May 21, the Sun is in Taurus and your fourth house of home, family and roots. Your nomadic sign could be ready for a dollop of domesticity and an extra serving of self-care. 

With communication planet Mercury retrograde (backward) in Taurus until May 14, you’re best off taking a more intentional pace for the first half of the month. And transformational Pluto, which entered Aquarius on March 23 for the first time since 1798 (really!), will turn retrograde from May 1 until October 10. Take a step back and reconsider some of those hyper-ambitious personal plans. Pluto is weaving in and out of your sign between now and November 2024, then it will settle into Aquarius for 20 whole years! So there’s truly no need to rush into any new chapters. You may be tying up a few loose ends, especially over the next six weeks. 

One major career moment arrives on May 5, when a Scorpio lunar (full moon) eclipse sweeps through your professional tenth house. This could mark a transition or turning point, perhaps one that comes out of the blue. Be ready for anything, from a surprise promotion to an incredible offer to a client or boss being “eclipsed” out of your life (leaving room for a better fit, trust us!). Your father or an important man could play into events near this lunar eclipse, too. 

Another huge day arrives on May 16, when expansive Jupiter makes its annual sign change. Since May 2022, the planet of adventure and new horizons has been mostly in Aries and your communication zone. You’ve learned to use your voice and share your ideas in powerful ways. Now Jupiter will move into Taurus until May 25, 2024, settling into your domestic fourth house for a year. This could portend a move (possibly long-distance), children or a focus on your family, particularly your mom or a female relative. Work involving women or hospitality could bring good fortune. 

Love becomes the main event starting May 20, when spicy Mars blazes into Leo and your partnership house, turning up the dynamic-duo heat until July 10. The next day, May 21, the Sun starts its monthlong visit to Gemini and your fifth house of romance. Late spring and early summer are filled with playful and passionate energy, whether you’re ready to make things official or just want to have some flirtatious fun!

It’s Taurus season until May 21

Nest and rest, Water Bearer. Until May 21, the Sun is in Taurus and your domestic fourth house, nudging you to slow your roll. Ease into the spring season with a lighter social calendar, and hunker down at home. Stock your kitchen with favorite comfort foods. Cozy up on your couch with a page-turner or just zone out to your favorite playlist. Nurturing activities will be the most soul-soothing. Invite your inner circle over for a night of heart-to-heart bonding. Whatever your relaxing pleasure, Chez Aquarius is THE place to be!

But don’t fling open your doors to just anyone now. Communication planet Mercury is retrograde until May 14, which could create some interpersonal skirmishes as well as breakdowns involving technology and travel. Mercury has been back-spinning since April 21, which may have stirred up friction with a relative or roommate. In the second half of May, after Mercury corrects course, your moods and emotions will level out. Until then, dial up the self-care as you’ll be prone to taking things personally during this thin-skinned transit.

Power up! Pluto turns retrograde in Aquarius on May 1

Identity crisis—or personal brand makeover? The way you present yourself could undergo a transformation between May 1 and June 11 as shape-shifter Pluto turns retrograde (backward) in Aquarius and your first house of appearances and identity. 

This is the first leg of Pluto’s annual five-month retrograde, a yearly window to pause, course-correct and make sure you’re on an authentic life path. On June 11, Pluto will reverse into Capricorn and your twelfth house of endings and healing. It’ll shuffle back and forth twice before returning to Aquarius in November 2024 “for keeps”—well, for the next 20 years (yes, really!). Consider this a sneak preview of your next transformational cycle—where you’re poised to be quite the powerhouse as you host Pluto in your sign for two whole decades.

Use the first month and a half of Pluto retrograde to examine who you are in relation to other people. Do you enjoy the role you play? Do you feel fulfilled by the interactions? Could you be more assertive or more public about certain talents, beliefs and opinions? By the same token, look to where you may be casting your pearls before swine, wasting your energy trying to convince people to see or do things your way when they are simply not aligned with your energetic vibration. 

It’s time to step into your power and own it, Aquarius. Just make sure you’re doing it in a way that uplifts rather than diminishes other people. With Pluto in the house, a little bit of take-charge energy goes far. Catch yourself if any bulldozing behavior starts up.

Career coup (or crossroads) at the May 5 Scorpio full moon lunar eclipse 

On May 5, a lunar eclipse and Scorpio full moon beams into your tenth house of ambition and success, bringing your hard work to a triumphant peak. Since eclipses can bring sudden turning points, you could be offered an out-of-the-blue promotion or a leadership role. A manager, client or position could also be unexpectedly eclipsed away. If there’s an abrupt departure, trust that the eclipse is clearing the decks for a better candidate. 

This is the last Scorpio eclipse in a two-year series rippling across the Taurus/Scorpio axis between November 2021 and October 2023. These eclipses will revolutionize your personal and professional realms, bringing changes to your living situation, family and career, as well as how you balance them. By the end of this cycle, you could live in an entirely new place, have a different job or experience significant modifications at home.

A project or goal you’ve been working toward since as far back as the 2021 holiday season reaches a decisive moment now. What’s your next move, Aquarius? Will you go forward and take this to the next level—or call it a day and pivot in a new direction? If you’ve been thinking about a career change, this eclipse might be your exit point. You could also go after a choice client, get a promotion or step into a leadership role. Diligent effort may be recognized with an award or some flattering media buzz!

Mercury retrograde is finally over May 14

Peace in your palace once again? Today, Mercury powers forward after a challenging retrograde that began on April 21, foiling technology, communication and travel for everyone. Now as Mercury corrects course in Taurus and your domestic fourth house, things under your roof go from a boil to a gentle simmer. If things with a relative or roommate got tense, you can start to clear the air. 

Been searching for a new place to call home or exploring a renovation? This is the all-clear to sign that lease, mortgage or contract if you’veclass=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” been holding off. But no need to rush: Mercury’s “retroshade” shadow phase will linger until June 1. It may take until then for all the signal-scrambling smoke to clear.

Big day! Jupiter enters Taurus for a year on May 16

Time to set up the home office…or maybe the nursery? On May 16, supersizer Jupiter will make its once-a-year move, leaving Aries and plunging into earthy Taurus until May 25, 2024. Taurus rules your fourth house of home, family and emotional foundations, and Jupiter’s sprawling touch will make these central themes in your life over the next 12 months. After a nomadic year, many Aquarians will feel ready (eager, even) to put down roots. You could move or buy property, sell a home or travel to connect with your ancestry.

The fourth house rules women, mothers and female relatives in particular. Your relationship with your mom could evolve, or you may take on a new maternal/parental role yourself. If you’re trying for a pregnancy or an adoption, Jupiter’s visit to your family-oriented fourth house is an opportune time. If you’re already a parent, you might spend more quality time with your kids. A wise and inspirational woman could play a big role in your growth this year, perhaps as a mentor or boss. Overall, you’ll crave more “feminine” energy in the coming months, whether that comes through the people you meet, a creative outlet or just settling into a slower day-to-day pace. Chateau Water Bearer could become a hub for dinner parties, salons and cozy confabs. 

With Jupiter in this sensitive zone, moods can run deep and fluctuate often. You’ll need to dedicate time for self-care now. This is a fruitful phase for therapy since you could be processing heavier emotions—which is a good thing, but you’ll need extra support. Carve out time for solitude and creative practices, such as journaling, painting and writing. During this nostalgic spell, Aquarians who live far from their loved ones might decide to pull up stakes and move closer to your clan. Or perhaps the opposite: Growth-oriented Jupiter finally emboldens you to cut the cord and move away from home. 

Loyal as you are, you’re excited to become your own person, removed from family obligations and expectations that can hold you back. If you’ve dreamed of living abroad, global Jupiter’s influence could present a golden opportunity to try it. Jupiter was last in Taurus from June 2011 to June 2012. Reflect on your home and personal life during that time as you might see themes reemerge.

The Taurus new moon is on May 19

On May 19, the annual Taurus new moon brings fresh-start energy to your emotional fourth house. This heart-opening day could help you articulate feelings you’ve been keeping inside. You might also be called to support a loved one who needs an empathic ear and a non-judgmental person to “hold space” for them. (Who better for that job than you, Aquarius?)

This new moon could spark a change to your living situation. Maybe you get inspired to redecorate, start paging through listings or go all in and put your home on the market. Your inner Martha Stewart could be elbows deep in planting a veggie garden (or an herb box for the windowsill) and switching to seasonally appropriate linens. Whatever your idea of “home sweet home” looks like, don’t rush to pull up roots or turn all those paint and fabric swatches into an overnight masterpiece. This new moon will unfold over six months’ time, culminating at the October 28 Taurus full moon, which will also be a lunar eclipse. Map a plan for how you’d like your personal life to look and feel before the holidays, then work backward from there.

The May 20 Mars-Pluto opposition gets fierce

You could be torn between your own needs and the demands of a partnership on May 20, when Mars blazes into Leo and your partnership house, immediately opposing calculating Pluto in Aquarius. This day definitely comes with a trigger warning! Tempers could reach a boiling point, so be careful about engaging in sensitive conversations. You may need to extricate yourself from a toxic dynamic or relationship, perhaps one that pokes at a deep old wound. Someone could be giving you mixed messages—or you might be the one sending out “come here, now go away” vibes.

Before you place blame, take a peek in the mirror. With karmic Pluto involved, you could easily project your own issues onto others. If you catch yourself complaining about a partner or close colleague, ask yourself, “Is this something I’m doing, too?” Relationships are a two-way street. Under this Mars-Pluto aspect, triggering behaviors will be impossible to ignore. And while you should never stick around if someone’s being abusive or disrespectful, don’t miss the teachable moments either. What’s the bigger lesson here, Aquarius?

Gemini season starts May 21

You’ll have plenty to crow about starting May 21, when the Sun commences its four-week visit to Gemini and your passionate, expressive fifth house. Spring fever could fully kick in with el Sol in your romance corner. Whether it’s reignited libido or just an irrepressible urge for fun, get out and play—and allow your childlike spirit to lead the way. Your talents and creativity can draw the spotlight under this solar power surge in your fifth house of fame. Get those headshots and “sizzle reels” ready!

With Mars charging through Cancer and your sixth house of systems and self-care this month, you could be too busy to, well, get busy! Put the focus on YOU in May with a ramped-up workout schedule, leaner and greener eats, and streamlining the messy areas of your life. Say no to obligations that fail to inspire. Unburdening yourself is how you’ll feel sexy in your skin again.

But you don’t have to wait until June to flex those flirting muscles, Water Bearer! Single Aquarians might meet someone through healthy pursuits, running errands or doing volunteer work. In a relationship? Lace up your sneakers and take long walks together or join a summer sports league. Just be mindful not to take on a partner’s stress or try to “fix” them. If there’s something to discuss, do it on neutral turf. Go for a walk or spread out a blanket in a quiet park for your state of the union.

Are you poking at each other and pushing buttons? Venus to the rescue! On May 7, when affectionate and tactful Venus joins the party in Cancer, you’ll have support in talking things through diplomatically. And since Venus is in your analytical sixth house, you’ll be able to keep enough emotional perspective to not get defensive. Spending time outdoors with your favorite person in nature can be especially romantic.

Ready to talk about making things official? From May 20 to July 10, Mars will make its biennial visit to Leo and your relationship house. A connection could heat up quickly and move toward commitment. Or you could start feeling the pressure to define a connection, either within yourself or directed toward you. Our culture can really pile that on, and with fast-moving Mars here, it could be hard to separate your own desires from the societal expectations. Do your best to find that inner quiet so you can connect with your deepest truth and choose from there.

We’ll be honest: May is one of those months when work might be the furthest thing from your mind. As the Sun travels through the bottom of your chart, it’s heating up the more personal zones of your life. But there’s nothing like stepping away from the grind to get a fresh perspective on it! While the Sun is in Taurus and your domestic fourth house through May 21—and Mercury retrograde here until May 14—prioritize self-care and tune in to your emotions. We get so caught up in the “doing” that we forget to just let ourselves be, connect and savor the present. 

Until May 20, Mars is revving its engines in Cancer and your sixth house of work, health and organization. You could get pumped to make detailed plans, crafting the master agenda (complete with spreadsheets) for one of your big ideas. This is an ideal time to get all your behind-the-scenes projects squared away, from filing paperwork to decluttering to delegating tasks. 

There’s one day this month when your inner mogul WILL show up hardcore. Circle the May 5 Scorpio lunar eclipse, which will illuminate your ambitious tenth house of career. A project or milestone you’ve been steadily working toward for the past six months could finally come together. Don’t be surprised if you’re offered a leadership role or finally granted well-deserved recognition for your accomplishments at this potent full moon.

Love Days: 20, 25

Money Days: 5, 14

Luck Days: 30, 11

Off Days: 22, 27, 9

See All Signs

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut (a.k.a. The AstroTwins) are’s resident astrologers. They have written several astrology books, including Momstrology and Supercouple, and star as the astrological matchmakers for Prime Video’s Cosmic Love. The Eduts have read charts for celebrities the likes of Beyoncé, Karlie Kloss, and Emma Roberts. For their spot-on predictions, books, and online courses, check out our horoscopes coverage or visit

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