Which Fighting Game Franchise Has the Most Iconic Characters?

Which Fighting Game Franchise Has the Most Iconic Characters?

Iconic characters in fighting games like Street Fighter‘s Ryu and Ken or Scorpion and Mortal Kombat’s Sub-Zero are often as famous as the games that made them.

As the industry has evolved, numerous other iconic characters have entered the fighting game pantheon and made a lasting impact. Some franchise’s more iconic characters even live on outside their individual games, like Soulcalibur’s Ivy and Tekken’s King.

In honor of Street Fighter recently celebrating its 35th anniversary and Mortal Kombat its 30th: Which fighting game franchise has the most iconic characters?

What makes a character iconic for you? Do any of the other franchises come close to matching Street Fighter’s Ryu is or Mortal Kombat’s Scorpion? Do you like to main these characters when playing their respective games? Do you think iconic characters get special treatment since they often represent their franchise? What franchise not featured in the poll has iconic characters that rival those we listed?

Let us know in the comments!

Jada Griffin is IGN’s Community Lead. If she’s not engaging with users here, chances are she’s developing her own games, maxing the Luck stat in her favorite games, or challenging her D&D players with Intense combat or masterful puzzles. You can follow her on Twitter @Jada_Rina.

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