Passenger outraged over ‘nightmare’ ,300 first-class cabin

Passenger outraged over ‘nightmare’ $6,300 first-class cabin

Grubby cabins aren’t limited to coach. A high-rolling entrepreneur who shelled out over $6,000 for a first-class seat on Air India was flabbergasted to find that it had ripped furnishings, grime around his seat and a broken-down in-flight entertainment system.

He detailed this veritable inflight Fyre Festival in a clip with over 2.6 million views on TikTok.

The flyer, named Anip Patel, had reportedly booked the high-priced airplane seat for a 15-hour nonstop flight from Chicago to Delhi, India, the Independent reported.

“Come with me on the worst first-class cabin I’ve ever been on,” griped Patel. Ryan –

However, when he boarded the plane, the bigwig realized that his so-called sky throne wasn’t exactly fit for a king.

In the accompanying footage, titled “worst airplane ever,” Patel shows of his shambolic accommodations, which included ripped and scuffed seats and compartments, a cold towel, and dirt and mold caking everything from the headphones to the power outlet.

There was also hair in the socket and duct-taped furnishings like a youth hostel at 30,000 feet.

“Come with me on the worst first-class cabin I’ve ever been on,” griped the apoplectic passenger. “Everything was ripped, ruined or had mildew on it. I understand regular wear and tear but this was next-level.”

While the food menu looked “very promising” with delicacies such as Thai red curry and mini samosas (a deep-fried pastry stuffed with spice potato), they were out of 30% of the items despite there only being four passengers in first class, the flyer claimed.

The items that they did have, meanwhile, were very average with the exception of the soup, which Patel described as “absolutely delicious.”

To make matters worse, the high roller claimed that there was no Wi-Fi and the entertainment system didn’t work for the entire trip — even after the crew members reset it four or five times.

To make matters worse, the high roller claimed that there was no Wi-Fi and the entertainment system didn’t work for the entire trip — even after the crew members reset it four or five times.

The sooty power outlet.
Everything, including the power outlet (pictured), was covered in dirt. @mondayswithmohan/TikTok

As a result, Patel said he was relegated to “rawdogging” — staring into space — for the entire 15 hours.

“It was a nightmare,” declared the bedraggled traveler, who said he took the first class freebies, including the pajamas, as a consolation prize.

TikTok commenters commiserated with Patel over his flight from hell.

One sympathizer wrote, “Air India is garbage.”

“Damn what is economy like,” wondered another.

A third fretted, “This gave me so much anxiety I hope you got your money back.”

Thankfully, after the video went super viral, Air India reportedly refunded the Patel in full for his ramshackle seat.

“I did not file any complaint with Air India but through social media they saw this video — they called me today and refunded my entire flight they did make it right and it’s worth noting,” he wrote.

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